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John E. Vidale

Department of Earth Sciences, USC

Expertise: Earthquakes, Earth structure, volcanoes, hazard, numerical modeling.
About Me Publications
John Vidale is a Dean's Professor at USC.

He studied physics, geology, and economics at Yale ('81), then gained his PhD from Caltech ('86). Toiling at UC Santa Cruz and the USGS in Menlo Park led to teaching at UCLA for a decade. While at UCLA, he was Acting then Interim Director of the Institute of Geophysics and Planetary Physics.

In 2006, John escaped to verdant Seattle. There, he was a professor at the University of Washington, Director of the Pacific Northwest Seismic Network, and Washington State Seismologist.

His honors include the Macelwane Medal (1994) and the Gutenberg Lecturer (2009) from the American Geophysical Union, Researcher of the Year by the College of the Environment at UW (2011), and membership in the National Academy of Science (2017).

SCEC Participation

SCEC Board of Directors, Chair (2017 - 2018)
SCEC Director (2017 - 2018)
SCEC Advisory Council, Chair (2016 - 2017)
SCEC Advisory Council, Member (2010 - 2016)
SCEC Science Planning Committee, Group Leader (2002, 2004 - 2006)
SCEC Mentor (2002)