Jacobo Bielak
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
Carnegie Mellon University
Carnegie Mellon University
Hamerschlag University Professor, Emeritus
Expertise: Engineering Seismology, Earthquake Engineering
About Me
Taborda, R., Olsen, K. B., Graves, R. W., Silva, F., Khoshnevis, N., Savran, W. H., Roten, D., Shi, Z., Goulet, C. A., Bielak, J., Maechling, P. J., Cui, Y., & Jordan, T. H. (2018, 06). High-frequency simulations: Verification and validation of the M5.1 La Habra, CA, earthquake. Oral Presentation at 11th National Conference in Earthquake Engineering. SCEC Contribution 7990
Karaoglu, H., & Bielak, J. (2014). Ground-motion simulation and validation of the 2004 Chuetsu, Japan, earthquake using different velocity models.. Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, (in preparation). SCEC Contribution 2029
Askan, A., Akcelik, V., Bielak, J., & Ghattas, O. (2007). Parametric Analysis of a Nonlinear Least Squares Optimization-based Anelastic Full Waveform Inversion Method. Geophysical Journal International, (in preparation). SCEC Contribution 1132
Askan, A., & Bielak, J. (2007). Full Anelastic Waveform Inversion Including Model Uncertainties. Not yet decided, (in preparation). SCEC Contribution 1093
Ramirez-Guzman, L., Contreras, M., Bielak, J., & Aguirre, J. (2007). Three-Dimensional Simulation of Long-Period (>1.5 sec) Earthquake Ground Motion in the Valley of Mexico: basin effects. Presentation at 4th International Conference on Earthquake Geotechnical Engineering. SCEC Contribution 1068
Maechling, P. J., Bielak, J., Callaghan, S., Cui, Y., Field, E. H., Goulet, C. A., Graves, R. W., Jordan, T. H., Milner, K. R., Olsen, K. B., Roten, D., Savran, W. H., Silva, F., Su, M., Taborda, R., & Vidale, J. E. (2018, 08). The SCEC Software Ecosystem for Earthquake System Science Research. Poster Presentation at 2018 SCEC Annual Meeting. SCEC Contribution 8582
Riaño, A. C., Restrepo, D., Taborda, R., & Bielak, J. (2016, 08). Surface topography effects in three-dimensional physics-based deterministic ground motion simulations in southern California. Poster Presentation at 2016 SCEC Annual Meeting. SCEC Contribution 6557
Taborda, R., Olsen, K. B., Graves, R. W., Silva, F., Khoshnevis, N., Savran, W. H., Roten, D., Shi, Z., Goulet, C. A., Bielak, J., Maechling, P. J., Cui, Y., & Jordan, T. H. (2016, 09). Verification and Validation of High-Frequency (fmax = 5 Hz) Ground Motion Simulations of the 2014 M 5.1 La Habra, California, earthquake. Poster Presentation at 2016 SCEC Annual Meeting. SCEC Contribution 6475
Restrepo, D., Bielak, J., Gómez, J., Jaramillo, J., & Serrano, R. (2015). Effects of Realistic Topography on the Ground Motion of the Colombian Andes – A Case Study at the Aburrá Valley, Antioquia. Geophysical Journal International, 204, 1801-1816. SCEC Contribution 2106
Small, P., Taborda, R., Bielak, J., & Jordan, T. H. (2014). GPU Accleration of Hercules. Poster Presentation at 2014 SCEC Annual Meeting. SCEC Contribution 6048
Restrepo, D., & Bielak, J. (2014). Virtual topography: A fictitious domain approach for analyzing free-surface irregularities in large-scale earthquake ground motion simulation. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 100(7), 504-533. doi: 10.1002/nme.4756. SCEC Contribution 1913
Taborda, R., & Bielak, J. (2014). Ground-Motion Simulation and Validation of the 2008 Chino Hills, California, Earthquake Using Different Velocity Models. Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, 104(4), 1876-1898. doi: 10.1785/0120130266. SCEC Contribution 1798
Taborda, R., & Bielak, J. (2013, 7). Comparative validation of a set of physics-based simulations of the 2008 Chino Hills earthquake using different velocity models. Oral Presentation at CIG/QUEST/IRIS Joint Workshop on Seismic Imaging of Structure and Source. SCEC Contribution 1889
Isbiliroglu, Y. D., Taborda, R., & Bielak, J. (2013). Multiple Structure-Soil-Structure Interaction and Coupling Effects in Building Clusters. Poster Presentation at 10th National Conference in Earthquake Engineering. SCEC Contribution 1816
Isbiliroglu, Y. D., Taborda, R., & Bielak, J. (2013). Coupled Soil-Structure Interaction Effects of Building Clusters During Earthquakes. Earthquake Spectra, 31(1), 463-500. doi: 10.1193/102412EQS315M. SCEC Contribution 1676
Taborda, R., & Bielak, J. (2013). Ground-Motion Simulation and Validation of the 2008 Chino Hills, California, Earthquake. Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, 103(1), 131-156. doi: 10.1785/0120110325. SCEC Contribution 1520
Taborda, R., Bielak, J., & Restrepo, D. (2012). Earthquake Ground Motion Simulation Including Nonlinear Soil Effects Under Idealized Conditions with Application to Two Case Studies. Seismological Research Letters, 83(6), 1047-1060. doi: 10.1785/0220120079. SCEC Contribution 1638
Restrepo, J. I., Taborda, R., & Bielak, J. (2011). Effects of Soils Nonlinearity on Ground Response in 3D Simulations --- An Application to the Salt Lake City Basin. Oral Presentation at 4th IASPEI / IAEE International Symposium. SCEC Contribution 1498
Taborda, R., & Bielak, J. (2011). Full 3D integration of site-city effects in regional scale earthquake simulations. Oral Presentation at 8th International Conference on Structural Dynamics. SCEC Contribution 1472
Taborda, R., & Bielak, J. (2011). Large-Scale Earthquake Simulation --- Computational Seismology and Complex Engineering Systems. Computing in Science and Engineering, 13(4). SCEC Contribution 1469
Bielak, J., Karaoglu, H., & Taborda, R. (2011). Memory-Efficient Displacement-Based Internal Friction for Wave Propagation Simulation. Geophysics, 76(6), T131-T145. doi: 10.1190/geo2011-0019.1. SCEC Contribution 1468
Bielak, J., Graves, R. W., Olsen, K. B., Taborda, R., Ramirez-Guzman, L., Day, S. M., Ely, G. P., Roten, D., Jordan, T. H., Maechling, P. J., Urbanic, J., Cui, Y., & Juve, G. (2010). The ShakeOut Earthquake Scenario: Verification of Three Simulation Sets. Geophysical Journal International, 180(1), 375--404. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-246X.2009.04417.x. SCEC Contribution 1260
Day, S. M., Graves, R. W., Bielak, J., Dreger, D. S., Larsen, S., Olsen, K. B., Pitarka, A., & Ramirez-Guzman, L. (2008). Model for Basin Effect on Long-Period Response Spectra . Earthquake Spectra, 24, 257-277. SCEC Contribution 1101
Askan, A., Akcelik, V., Bielak, J., & Ghattas, O. (2007). Full Waveform Inversion for Seismic Velocity and Anelastic Losses in Heterogeneous Structures. Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, 97(6), 1990-2008. doi: 10.1785/0120070079. SCEC Contribution 1074
Day, S. M., Bielak, J., Dreger, D. S., Graves, R. W., Larsen, S., Olsen, K. B., Pitarka, A., & Ramirez-Guzman, L. (2006). Numerical simulation of basin effects on long-period ground motion. Presentation at 8th National Conference on Earthquake Engineering. SCEC Contribution 1075
Bielak, J., & Ghattas, O. (2005). Parallel Octree-Based Finite Element Method for Large-Scale Earthquake Ground Motion Simulation. Computer Modeling in Engineering and Sciences, 10(2), 99-112. SCEC Contribution 947
Akcelik, V., Bielak, J., Biros, G., Epanomeritakis, I., Fernandez, A., Ghattas, O., Kim, E., Lopez, J., O'Hallaron, D., Tu, T., & Urbanic, J. (2003, 11). High Resolution Forward and Inverse Earthquake Modeling on Terascale Computers. Poster Presentation at SC 2003 Conference. SCEC Contribution 892
Last updated Feb 12, 2025.