SCEC Community

Our international membership presently includes over 600 active members from more than 60 institutions. Search our database for people (past and present) who are registered in the SCEC Community Information System.

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Bill A'Hearn, GIS Analyst/Mapping Specialist
Geographic Information System/Mapping Services, City of Glendale
baagaard's picture
Brad Aagaard, Research Geophysicist
Geologic Hazards Science Center, United States Geological Survey
strong ground motion, source mechanics, wave propagation
Saif Aati, Scientific Research Assistant
California Institute of Technology
Sergey Abaimov
University of California, Davis
Mark Abajian
California Institute of Technology
Zagid Abatchev, Graduate Student Researcher
University of California, Los Angeles
Ruth Abatzoglou, Science Teacher
Aqeel Abbas
Chinese University of Hong Kong
Alyssa Abbey
California State University, Long Beach
cabbott's picture
Corwin Abbott, Tour Accountant
David Weise and Associates
Patrick Abbott, Professor of Geology
Department of Geological Sciences, San Diego State University
Sedimentology; Natural Disasters
Robert Abbott
University of Nevada, Reno
Ali Abdel-Haq
Bing Yen & Associates
Mohamed Abdelbarr
University of Southern California
MAbdelmeguid's picture
Mohamed Abdelmeguid, Postdoctoral Scholar
California Institute of Technology
Mohamed Abdelsalam
University of Texas at Dallas
George Abdo
University Advancement, University of Southern California
Curtis Abdouch
George C. Page Museum
Steffen Abe
University of Queensland (Australia)
Fan Abel, Area Coordinator
Office of Emergency Management, Area E, City of La Mirada
Hannah Abend, Student
Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory, Columbia University
Idris Abercrombie, Student
Edinburgh University
rea's picture
Rachel Abercrombie, Research Professor
Boston University
Earthquake seismology
Douglas Abernathy
Albus-Keefe & Associates, Inc.
Geoffrey Abers, Lamont Research Professor
Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory, Columbia University
earthquake seismology, earth structure, wave propagation, imaging faults and deforming regions
Mark Abinante
Department of Earth, Planetary, and Space Sciences, University of California, Los Angeles
Dismas Ableman
Fire Department, City of Coronado
Beatrice Ableton
S.O.S. Food Lab, Inc.
Shai Aboav, Owner
Doheny Concrete Construction, Inc
niloufar's picture
Niloufar Abolfathian, NASA Postdoctoral Fellow
Seismotectonics, InSAR, Fault Mechanics
Mark Abolins, Assistant Professor
Department of Geosciences, Middle Tennessee State University
yabousle's picture
Younane Abousleiman
Mewbourne School of Petroleum and Geological Engineering, University of Oklahoma
Lauren Abrahams, Graduate Student
Stanford University
naa's picture
Norman Abrahamson, Adjunct Professor
University of California, Berkeley
Ground motion, seismic hazard
Dan Abrams
Mid-America Earthquake Center, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Richard Abrams
Office of Emergency Services, County of Santa Barbara
Alexis Abramson, Assistant Professor
Case Western Reserve University
Thermal Transport
David Abrego-Bellis
USC Viterbi School of Engineering - Master's student in Computer Science
Nicole Abueg
Utah Valley University
Alan Aceto, Science Teacher
Rowland Unified School District
Ana Luz Acevedo-Cabrera, Geotechnical Engineer
Golder Associates
Durga Acharya
Tribhuvan University (Nepal)
Prabha Acharya
California Institute of Technology
Julius Achere, Dept Chair
Delano High School
Andrea Acker
California State University, Long Beach
Jim Acosta, Emergency Services Coordinator
California Governor's Office of Emergency Services
Mateo Acosta, Postdoctoral Fellow
California Institute of Technology Division of Geological and Planetary Science
Rick Adair
Black Mountain Technology