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Craig Nicholson

Marine Science Institute
University of California, Santa Barbara
Research Geophysicist

Expertise: Southern California seismicity; 3D geometry of active faults; high-resolution tomography; crustal Imaging w/seismic reflection data; subsurface structure and seismic stratigraphy of Ventura basin,Santa Barbara Channel, offshore Continental Borderland
About Me Publications
Craig has degrees from Amherst College, St. Louis University and Columbia University. He was a National Research Council Postdoctoral Fellow at the US Geological Survey and then joined the Institute for Crustal Studies at UC Santa Barbara in 1988. At UCSB, Craig is now a Research Geophysicist with the Marine Science Institute and Adjunct Professor with the Department of Earth Science. His primary areas of research are subsurface imaging, earthquakes, active faulting, crustal structure, and tectonics. His current research involves mainly mapping the distribution of active faults and folds in 3D both onshore and offshore of southern California, and helping fellow geologists extend the high-resolution global climate marine record located in the offshore Santa Barbara Channel. On behalf of the US Geological Survey and US Environmental Protection Agency, Craig and his colleagues published some of the initial research studies on how to mitigate the potential earthquake hazards associated with deep fluid injection from waste-disposal well activities.

SCEC Participation

SCEC Science Planning Committee, Group Leader (2003 - 2006)
SCEC Science Planning Committee, Group Co-Leader (2002)
SCEC Mentor (1994, 1998)