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Ryberg, T., Fuis, G. S., Lutter, W. J., & Bauer, K. (2003). Crustal reflectivity from the Santa Monica Mts to the western Mojave Desert, from the Los Angeles Region Seismic Experiment (Phase II), southern California. Journal of Geophysical Research, (in preparation). SCEC Contribution 771
Fuis, G. S., Catchings, R. D., Scheirer, D. S., Bauer, K., Goldman, M. R., Earney, T. E., Lin, G., & Zhang, E. (2022, 09). Loma Prieta Again: Subsurface Geology and the San Andreas Fault, Santa Cruz Mountains, Central California. Poster Presentation at 2022 SCEC Annual Meeting. SCEC Contribution 12084
Fuis, G. S., Catchings, R. D., Goldman, M. R., Scheirer, D. S., Earney, T. E., Bauer, K., & Zhang, E. (2021, 07). New insights on subsurface fault and geologic structure at Loma Prieta, central California. Poster Presentation at 2021 SCEC Annual Meeting. SCEC Contribution 11065
Fuis, G. S. (2019, 08). Subsurface Geometry of the San Andreas Fault in Southern and Central California: A Summary. Poster Presentation at 2019 SCEC Annual Meeting. SCEC Contribution 9329
Ajala, R., Persaud, P., Stock, J. M., Fuis, G. S., Hole, J. A., Goldman, M., & Scheirer, D. (2019). Three‐Dimensional Basin and Fault Structure From a Detailed Seismic Velocity Model of Coachella Valley, Southern California. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth,. doi: 10.1029/2018JB016260. SCEC Contribution 8269
Ajala, R., Persaud, P., Stock, J. M., Fuis, G. S., Hole, J. A., Goldman, M. R., & Scheirer, D. S. (2018, 08). 3-D upper crustal velocity structure of the Coachella Valley, Southern California: results from the salton seismic imaging project. Poster Presentation at 2018 SCEC Annual Meeting. SCEC Contribution 8575
Ajala, R., Persaud, P., Stock, J. M., Fuis, G. S., Hole, J. A., Goldman, M. R., & Scheirer, D. S. (2017, 08). 3-D Velocity Model of the Coachella Valley Determined Using P-Wave First Arrival Times from the Salton Seismic Imaging Project and Local Earthquakes. Poster Presentation at 2017 SCEC Annual Meeting. SCEC Contribution 7646
Fuis, G. S., Zhang, E., Catchings, R. D., Scheirer, D. S., Goldman, M. R., & Bauer, K. (2017, 08). A re-examination of the subsurface fault structure in the vicinity of the 1989 Loma Prieta Mw 6.9 earthquake, central California, from analysis of steep reflections, earthquakes, and potential-field data. Poster Presentation at 2017 SCEC Annual Meeting. SCEC Contribution 7502
Persaud, P., Ma, Y., Stock, J. M., Hole, J. A., Fuis, G. S., & Han, L. (2016). Fault zone characteristics and basin complexity in the southern Salton Trough, California. Geology, 44(9), 747-750. doi: 10.1130/G38033.1. SCEC Contribution 7092
Fuis, G. S., Catchings, R. D., Scheirer, D. S., Goldman, M. R., & Zhang, E. (2016, 08). Structure of the San Andreas Fault Zone in the Salton Trough Region of Southern California: A Comparison with San Andreas Fault Structure in the Loma Prieta Area of Central California. Poster Presentation at 2016 SCEC Annual Meeting. SCEC Contribution 6446
Hernandez, A., Persaud, P., Bauer, K., Stock, J. M., Fuis, G. S., Hole, J. A., & Goldman, M. R. (2015, 09). Profile of Shallow Crustal Structure across the San Andreas Fault Zone, Coachella Valley based on Controlled-Source Data from the Salton Seismic Imaging Project (SSIP). Poster Presentation at SCEC Annual Meeting. SCEC Contribution 7636
Rose, E. J., Fuis, G. S., Stock, J. M., Hole, J. A., Kell-Hills, A. M., Kent, G. M., Driscoll, N. W., Crum, S., Goldman, M. R., Reusch, A. M., Han, L., Sickler, R. R., Catchings, R. D., Rymer, M. J., Criley, C. J., Scheirer, D. S., Skinner, S. M., Slayday-Criley, C. J., Murphy, J. M., Jensen, E. G., McClearn, R., Ferguson, A. J., Butcher, L. A., Gardner, M., Emmons, I., Loughran, C. L., Svitek, J. R., Bastien, P. C., Cotton, J. A., Croker, D. S., Harding, A. J., Babcock, J. M., Harder, S. H., & Rosa, C. M. (2013). Borehole- explosion and air-gun data acquired in the 2011 Salton Seismic Imaging Project (SSIP), southern California—Description of the Survey. Reston, VA., : U.S. Geological Survey. doi: 10.3133/ofr20131172. SCEC Contribution 1797
Langenheim, V. E., Wright, T. L., Okaya, D. A., Yeats, R. S., Fuis, G. S., Thygesen, K., & Thybo, H. (2011). Structure of the San Fernando Valley region, California: Implications for seismic hazard and tectonic history. Geosphere, 7(2), 528-572. doi: 10.1130/GES00597.1. SCEC Contribution 1447
Fuis, G. S., Kohler, M. D., Scherwath, M., Brink, U., van Avendonk, H., & Murphy, J. M. (2007). A comparison between the transpressional plate boundaries of South Island, New Zealand, and southern California, USA: The Alpine and San Andreas Fault Systems. Washington, : American Geophysical Union. doi: 10.1029/175GM16. SCEC Contribution 970
Plesch, A., Shaw, J. H., Bryant, W. A., Carena, S., Cooke, M. L., Dolan, J. F., Fuis, G. S., Gath, E. M., Grant Ludwig, L. B., Hauksson, E., Jordan, T. H., Kamerling, M. J., Legg, M. R., Lindvall, S. C., Magistrale, H., Nicholson, C., Niemi, N. A., Oskin, M. E., Perry, S. C., Planansky, G., Rockwell, T. K., Shearer, P. M., Sorlien, C. C., Suess, M., Suppe, J., Treiman, J. A., & Yeats, R. S. (2007). Community Fault Model (CFM) for Southern California. Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, 97(6), 1793-1802. doi: 10.1785/0120050211. SCEC Contribution 1134
Baher, S., Fuis, G. S., Sliter, R. W., & Normark, W. (2005). Upper-Crustal Structure of the Inner Continental Borderland near Long Beach, California. Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, 95(5), 1957-1969. doi: 10.1785/0120040051. SCEC Contribution 971
Lutter, W. J., Fuis, G. S., Ryberg, T., Okaya, D. A., Clayton, R. W., Davis, P. M., Prodehl, C., Murphy, J. M., Langenheim, V. E., Benthien, M. L., Godfrey, N., Christensen, N., Thygesen, K., Thurber, C. H., Simila, G., & Keller, R. G. (2004). Upper crustal structure from the Santa Monica Mountains to the Sierra Nevada, southern California: tomographic results from the Los Angeles Regional Seismic Experiment, Phase II (LARSE II). Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, 94(2), 619-632. doi: 10.1785/0120030058. SCEC Contribution 677
Fuis, G. S., Clayton, R. W., Davis, P. M., Ryberg, T., Lutter, W. J., Okaya, D. A., Hauksson, E., Murphy, J. M., Benthien, M. L., Baher, S., Kohler, M. D., Thygesen, K., Simila, G., & Keller, R. G. (2003). Fault Systems of the 1971 San Fernando and 1994 Northridge Earthquakes, Southern California: Relocated Aftershocks and Seismic Images from LARSE II. Geology, 31(2), 171-174. doi: 10.1130/0091-7613(2003)031<0171:FSOTSF>2.0.CO;2. SCEC Contribution 665
Baher, S., Davis, P. M., & Fuis, G. S. (2002). Separation of Site Effects and Structural Focusing in Santa Monica, California: A Study of High-Frequency Weak Motions from Earthquakes and Blasts Recorded during the Los Angeles Region Seismic Experiment. Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, 92(8), 3134-3151. doi: 10.1785/0120010168. SCEC Contribution 583
Godfrey, N., Fuis, G. S., Langenheim, V. E., Okaya, D. A., & Brocher, T. M. (2002). Lower Crustal Deformation Beneath the Central Transverse Ranges, Southern California: Results From the Los Angeles Region Seismic Experiment. Journal of Geophysical Research, 107(B7), 2144. doi: 10.1029/2001JB000354. SCEC Contribution 536
Fuis, G. S., Ryberg, T., Godfrey, N., Okaya, D. A., & Murphy, J. M. (2001). Crustal Structure and Tectonics from the Los Angeles Basin to the Mojave Desert, Southern California. Geology, 29(1), 15-18. doi: 10.1130/0091-7613(2001)029<0015:CSATFT>2.0.CO;2. SCEC Contribution 538
Fuis, G. S., Ryberg, T., Lutter, W. J., & Ehlig, P. (2001). Seismic mapping of shallow fault zones in the San Gabriel Mountains from the Los Angeles Region Seismic Experiment, Southern California. Journal of Geophysical Research, 106(B4), 6549-6568. SCEC Contribution 496
ten Brink, U. S., Zhang, J., Brocher, T. M., Okaya, D. A., Klitgord, K. D., & Fuis, G. S. (2000). Geophysical evidence for the evolution of the Inner California Continental Borderlands as a metamorphic core complex. Journal of Geophysical Research, 105(B3), 5835-5857. SCEC Contribution 486
Henyey, T., Fuis, G. S., Benthien, M. L., Burdette, T., Christofferson, S., Clayton, R. W., Davis, P. M., & Kohler, M. D. (1999). The "LARSE" Project Working Toward A Safer Future For Los Angeles. Washington, D.C., : U.S. Government Printing Office. SCEC Contribution 497
Ryberg, T., & Fuis, G. S. (1998). The San Gabriel Mountains Bright Reflective Zone: Possible Evidencenext Term of Young Mid-Crustal Thrust Faulting in Southern California. Tectonophysics, 286(1-4), 31-46. doi: 10.1016/S0040-1951(97)00253-9. SCEC Contribution 377
Fuis, G. S., Murphy, J. M., Lutter, W. J., Moore, T. E., Bird, K. J., & Christensen, N. (1997). Deep seismic structure and tectonics of northern Alaska: Crustal-scale duplexing with deformation extending into the upper mantle. Journal of Geophysical Research, 102(B9), 20873-20896. doi: 10.1029/96JB03959. SCEC Contribution 376
Gao, S., Liu, H., Davis, P. M., Knopoff, L., & Fuis, G. S. (1996). A 98-station Seismic Array to Record Aftershocks of the 1994 Northridge, California, Earthquake. , USA: U.S. Geological Survey. SCEC Contribution 351
Okaya, D. A., Bhowmik, J., Fuis, G. S., Murphy, J. M., Robertson Haver, M., Chakraborty, A., Benthien, M. L., Hafner, K., & Norris, J. J. (1996). Report for Local Earthquake Data Acquired at Onshore Stations during the 1994 Los Angeles Region Seismic Experiment (LARSE), California. , USA: U.S. Geological Survey. SCEC Contribution 346
Okaya, D. A., Bhowmik, J., Fuis, G. S., Murphy, J. M., Robertson Haver, M., Chakraborty, A., Benthien, M. L., Hafner, K., & Norris, J. J. (1996). Report for Air-Gun Data Acquired at Onshore Stations during the 1994 Los Angeles Region Seismic Experiment (LARSE), California. , USA: U.S. Geological Survey. SCEC Contribution 345
Murphy, J. M., Fuis, G. S., Ryberg, T., Okaya, D. A., Criley, E., Benthien, M. L., Alvarez, M., Kohler, W. M., Glassmoyer, G., Robertson Haver, M., & Bhowmik, J. (1996). Report for the explosion data acquired in the Los Angeles Region Seismic Experiment (LARSE), Los Angeles, California. , USA: U.S. Geological Survey. SCEC Contribution 344
Kohler, M. D., Davis, P., Liu, H., Benthien, M. L., Gao, S., Fuis, G. S., Clayton, R. W., Okaya, D. A., & Mori, J. (1996). Data Report for the 1993 Los Angeles Region Seismic Experiment (LARSE93), Southern California; A Passive Study from Seal Beach Northeastward through the Mojave Desert. , USA: U.S. Geological Survey. SCEC Contribution 308
Fuis, G. S., Okaya, D. A., Clayton, R. W., Lutter, W. J., Ryberg, T., Brocher, T. M., Henyey, T., Benthien, M. L., Davis, P. M., Mori, J., Catchings, R. D., ten Brink, U. S., Kohler, M. D., Klitgord, K. D., & Bohannon, R. G. (1996). Images of Crust Beneath Southern California Will Aid Study of Earthquakes and Their Effects. Eos, Transactions, American Geophysical Union, 77(18), 173-176. doi: 10.1029/96EO00112. SCEC Contribution 234
Last updated Sep 19, 2024.