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Scott C. Lindvall

Lettis Consultants International, Inc.
Principal Geologist

Expertise: Earthquake hazards, paleoseismology, neotectonics, seismic source characterization
About Me Publications
Rubin, C. M., & Lindvall, S. C. (2004). What stops earthquake ruptures: Paleoseismic evidence from the Mw = 7.3 Landers earthquake of southern California. Geology, (in preparation). SCEC Contribution 791
Hitchcock, C., Lindvall, S. C., Treiman, J. A., Weaver, K. D., Helms, J., Lettis, W., & Simpson, G. (2003). Paleoseismic Investigation of the Simi fault at Arroyo Simi, Simi Valley, CA: Evidence for timing of Late Holocene earthquakes on the Simi-Santa Rosa fault zone. Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, (in preparation). SCEC Contribution 723
Rubin, C. M., Lindvall, S. C., & Rockwell, T. K. (2002). What stops earthquake ruptures?: Paleoseismic evidence from the Mw = 7.3 Landers earthquake of southern California. Science, (in preparation). SCEC Contribution 658
Rockwell, T. K., Lindvall, S. C., & Kasman, G. (2002). Low Rate of Quaternary Uplift Across the Hollywood Fault, Southern California: New Observations Based on a Mid-Pleistocene Marine Terrace. Geology, (in preparation). SCEC Contribution 656
Swanson, B. J., Hoirup, D. F., Lindvall, S. C., Mahan, S. A., & Schwartz, J. (2022, 09). Advances in understanding the late Quaternary activity and post-Miocene slip history of the northwestern “Palomas” Section of the San Gabriel Fault, Black Mountain and Alamo Mountain 7.5’ quadrangles, southern California. Poster Presentation at 2022 SCEC Annual Meeting. SCEC Contribution 12381
Burgette, R. J., Scharer, K. M., & Lindvall, S. C. (2020). Late Quaternary slip rates on the Sierra Madre fault zone and paleoseismic evidence on the size and frequency of past ruptures. , : Geological Society of America. doi: 10.1130/2020.0059(01). SCEC Contribution 10051
Givler, R., Hartleb, R., Kemp, C. D., Szymanski, M., Lindvall, S. C., Gray, B., Rockwell, T. K., & Bell, R. (2019, 08). Paleoseismic Results from a Trench across the Casa Loma Strand of the San Jacinto Fault Zone in San Jacinto, California . Poster Presentation at 2019 SCEC Annual Meeting. SCEC Contribution 9753
Lindvall, S. C., Kerwin, S., Evans, J. P., Tyson, J., Chestnut, J., Heron, C., Mass, K., Scharer, K. M., McPhillips, D., Moore, D., Farr, M., Ballard, C., Williams, R. T., Bradbury, K. K., Rowe, C. D., & Savage, H. M. (2017, 08). San Andreas Fault Characterization at the LADWP Elizabeth Tunnel. Poster Presentation at 2017 SCEC Annual Meeting. SCEC Contribution 7668
Rockwell, T. K., Lindvall, S. C., Dawson, T., Langridge, R. M., & Lettis, W. (2002). Lateral Offsets on Surveyed Cultural Features Resulting from the 1999 Izmit and Düzce Earthquakes, Turkey. Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, 92(1), 79-94. doi: 10.1785/0120000809. SCEC Contribution 615
Lindvall, S. C., Rockwell, T. K., Dawson, T., Helms, J. G., & Weaver, K. D. (2002). Evidence for Two Surface Ruptures in the Past 500 Years on the San Andreas Fault at Frazier Mountain, California. Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, 92(7), 2689-2703. doi: 10.1785/0120000610. SCEC Contribution 599
Rockwell, T. K., Lindvall, S. C., Herzberg, M., Murbach, D., & Dawson, T. (2000). Paleoseismology of the Johnson Valley, Kickapoo, and Homestead Valley Faults: Clustering of Earthquakes in the Eastern California Shear Zone. Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, 90(5), 1200-1236. doi: 10.1785/0119990023. SCEC Contribution 505
Rubin, C. M., Lindvall, S. C., & Rockwell, T. K. (1998). Evidence for Large Earthquakes in Metropolitan Los Angeles. Science, 281(5375), 398-402. doi: 10.1126/science.281.5375.398. SCEC Contribution 442
Lindvall, S. C., & Rockwell, T. K. (1995). Holocene Activity of the Rose Canyon Fault, San Diego, California. Journal of Geophysical Research, 100(B12), 24121-24132. SCEC Contribution 211
Sieh, K., Jones, L. M., Hauksson, E., Hudnut, K. W., Eberhart-Phillips, D., Heaton, T. H., Hough, S. E., Hutton, K., Kanamori, H., Lilje, A., Lindvall, S. C., McGill, S. F., Mori, J., Rubin, C. M., Spotila, J., Stock, J. M., Thio, H., Treiman, J. A., Wernicke, B. P., & Zachariasen, J. (1993). Near Field Investigations of the Landers Earthquake Sequence, April-July, 1992. Science, 260(5105), 171-176. doi: 10.1126/science.260.5105.171. SCEC Contribution 25
Lindvall, S. C., & Hudnut, K. W. (1992). Field Guide to the Area of Maximum Displacements Along the 1992 Landers Earthquake Rupture. , : . SCEC Contribution 81
Rockwell, T. K., Lindvall, S. C., Hudnut, K. W., Hirabayashi, C., & Baker, E. (1991). Minimum Holocene Slip Rate for the Rose Canyon Fault in San Diego, California. In P. Abbott, & . (Eds.), Environmental Perils, San Diego Region, (, pp. 37-46) San Diego, California, : published by the San Diego Assoc. of Geologists for the Geological Society of America Annual Meeting SCEC Contribution 83
Frost, E., Baker, E., Hudnut, K. W., Lindvall, S. C., & Rockwell, T. K. (1991). Computer-Enhanced Imaging of Neotectonic Features Exposed within Trench Faces: Techniques for Seeing the Unseen Being Developed on the Rose Canyon Fault Zone. In P. Abbott, & . (Eds.), Environmental Perils, San Diego Region, (, pp. ) San Diego, California, : published by the San Diego Assoc. of Geologists for the Geological Society of America Annual Meeting SCEC Contribution 82

Last updated Sep 19, 2024.