Poster #182, SCEC Community Models (CXM)
Updates, Evaluation and Improvements to the Community Fault Model (CFM version 5.3)
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Poster Presentation
2020 SCEC Annual Meeting, Poster #182, SCEC Contribution #10412 VIEW PDF
match various updated, underlying CFM datasets—such as relocated hypocenter catalogs, revised mapped surface traces, multi-channel seismic (MCS) reflection data and digital bathymetry—used for fault model evaluation, development and refinement. The updated hypocenter catalogs and MCS data allow us to better characterize and assess the active subsurface 3D fault geometry in complex fault regions. For example, in the Cajon Pass Earthquake Gate Area, focal mechanisms with nodal planes parallel or nearly parallel to the major San Andreas and San Jacinto faults exhibit predominantly strike-slip motion on steeply dipping faults indicating the major faults do not intersect, but are coupled instead by a finite viscoelastic zone of distributed shear. In the offshore Borderland, MCS data help define newly created San Pedro Escarpment (Sorlien et al., 2013) and Wilmington Blind fault systems (Wolfe et al., 2019) that together with NE-dipping CFM faults mapped in Santa Monica Bay likely merge at depth with a regional detachment that links to the Compton thrust under Los Angeles and helps define the greater Palos Verdes Anticlinorium. This underlying detachment is now included in the CFM. Lastly, in terms of CFM fault evaluation, initial 1D double-difference hypocenters and focal mechanisms of the recent 2019 Ventura River earthquake swarm near Pitas Point indicate faulting on a possible high-angle tear fault beneath the Ventura fault, as well as seismic slip on S-dipping, low-angle nodal planes consistent with the S-dipping, listric Padre Juan fault (Nicholson et al., 2020). Subsequent relocations with a 3D model are systematically deeper and exhibit similar characteristics to the 2015 Fillmore swarm (Hauksson et al., 2016), but basin velocities used may be too high.