Group A, Poster #123, Computational Science (CS)
Improving the Sustainability of SCEC Scientific Software using Software Best Practices
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2022 SCEC Annual Meeting, Poster #123, SCEC Contribution #12576 VIEW PDF
used on the following SCEC developed software distributions: SCEC Broadband Platform (BBP), CyberShake, OpenSHA, pyCSEP, and the Unified Community Velocity Model (UCVM). These software distributions are now hosted as open-source software distributions in public GitHub repositories, available to the community for research use. We describe improvements made to these SCEC software distributions that include improved organization of the source code repositories, improved build and distribution methods, introduction of continuous integration testing methods, improved documentation, standardized open-source licensing, and the development of citable publications. These software improvements are highlighted on newly created SCEC software landing pages on the website, providing simple introductions and quick links to repositories and documentation.