Group B, Poster #214, Earthquake Forecasting and Predictability (EFP)
Modernizing CSEP experiments: The Floating Testing Center
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2022 SCEC Annual Meeting, Poster #214, SCEC Contribution #12583 VIEW PDF
centralized servers that can run autonomous evaluations of earthquake forecasting models. This approach has been successful for over a decade; however, advancements in open-source software development and open science initiatives have prompted us to improve upon this model. Over the last year, CSEP has been working to modernize its testing capabilities in large part through a collaboration with the Real-time Earthquake Risk Reduction for a Resilient Europe (RISE) project. Modernizing CSEP experiments involves a two major efforts: (1) Developing an open-source library, pyCSEP, that provides necessary routines for evaluating earthquake forecasts, and (2) developing an open experiment format that decentralizes the testing process and promotes best-practices in open science software development and data management. Recent pyCSEP efforts include expanding the forecasting class to forecasts defined on Quadtree grids, adding evaluation methods such as binary likelihood scores and receiver operating characteristics, and new visualization routines. Many of these contributions were made by members the community. We demonstrate the open experiment format using the Global Earthquake Forecasting Experiment (GEFE) developed in collaboration with CSEP and RISE. This format ensures all experiment artifacts are made available through public software and data repositories, and the forecasts and evaluation results can be reproduced by other researchers on their own computers or servers. The GEFE addresses the comparability and the stability of test results on Quadtree grids, which provide a significant computational improvement to evaluating global forecasting models. Additionally, this experiment format will be the basis for future benchmark problems developed by CSEP.