Group A, Poster #121, Computational Science (CS)
Integration of Standalone CVM-H Basin Models into the Unified Community Velocity model(UCVM) Software
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Poster Presentation
2022 SCEC Annual Meeting, Poster #121, SCEC Contribution #12567 VIEW PDF
s, the SCEC research community has developed a modular approach to developing and defining seismic velocity models. In this modular approach, small but detailed basin models are defined as standalone models. To take advantage of this approach, UCVM has adopted a unified interface to these basin models and enabled
embedding of these basin models in large-scale regional models that might otherwise have no other basin information.
We have registered nine (9) CVM-H basin models into UCVM as standalone models. These basin models can be queried independently and can be embedded into other models using a UCVM capability called tiling. In our poster, we describe the most recent UCVM v22.7 software release which includes ten (10) 3D seismic velocity models, two (2) 1D seismic velocity models, and nine (9) standalone CVM-H basin models and show how to create new composite velocity models when standalone basin models are tiled with other regional velocity models registered in UCVM.
embedding of these basin models in large-scale regional models that might otherwise have no other basin information.
We have registered nine (9) CVM-H basin models into UCVM as standalone models. These basin models can be queried independently and can be embedded into other models using a UCVM capability called tiling. In our poster, we describe the most recent UCVM v22.7 software release which includes ten (10) 3D seismic velocity models, two (2) 1D seismic velocity models, and nine (9) standalone CVM-H basin models and show how to create new composite velocity models when standalone basin models are tiled with other regional velocity models registered in UCVM.