Poster #167, Fault and Rupture Mechanics (FARM)
Unraveling scaling properties of slow slip events in 3D simulations of fault slip
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Poster Presentation
2020 SCEC Annual Meeting, Poster #167, SCEC Contribution #10607 VIEW PDF
erpressure. Simulated SSEs follow the Gutenberg-Richter law and obey a cubic moment-duration scaling law — similar to that of fast (regular) earthquakes — as observed in Cascadia. In contrast to conventional and widely used assumptions of magnitude-invariant rupture velocities and stress drops, both simulated and natural SSEs have rupture velocities and stress drops that increase with event magnitudes. The success of our model in reproducing a realistic sequence of SSEs provides an excellent match to a number of observations collected along the Cascadia megathrust and indicates that rate-and-state friction combined with pore fluids effects is a plausible physical mechanism for SSEs.