Poster #156, Fault and Rupture Mechanics (FARM)
Modeling the Rupture Dynamics of Strong Ground Acceleration (>1g) in Fault Stepovers
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Poster Presentation
2020 SCEC Annual Meeting, Poster #156, SCEC Contribution #10685 VIEW PDF
. Together, the Ridgecrest and El Mayor-Cucapah examples suggest that some aspect of how earthquake rupture negotiates a strike-slip fault stepover produces extremely localized strong ground acceleration.
Here, we use the 3D finite element method to investigate how the geometry and connectivity of stepovers in strike-slip faults influences strong ground acceleration. In particular, we focus on how the amount of overlap between the two fault strands, and the width of the stepover, influences the location and intensity of the strongest ground motion, for both subshear and supershear rupture velocities.
Here, we use the 3D finite element method to investigate how the geometry and connectivity of stepovers in strike-slip faults influences strong ground acceleration. In particular, we focus on how the amount of overlap between the two fault strands, and the width of the stepover, influences the location and intensity of the strongest ground motion, for both subshear and supershear rupture velocities.