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SCEC Participation
SCEC Mentor (2003 - 2004, 2011)Moser, A. C., Evans, J. P., Ault, A. K., Bradbury, K. K., & Janecke, S. U. (2016). Spatiotemporal evaluation of the San Andreas Fault-related deformation in the Mecca Hills, southern California, from integrated fault zone characterization and low-temperature thermo-chronology. Oral Presentation at Geological Society of America Annual Meeting. SCEC Contribution 7085
Evans, J. P., Crouch, K., Studnikcy, C., Bone, S., Edwards, N., & Webb, S. (2024). Signatures of Fluid-Rock Interactions in Shallow Parts of the San Andreas and San Gabriel Faults, Southern California. Tektonika, 2(2), 1-32. doi: 10.55575/tektonika2024.2.2.47. SCEC Contribution 14058
Crouch, K. A., & Evans, J. P. (2023). Shallow Composition and Structure of the Upper Part of the Exhumed San Gabriel Fault, California: Implications for Fault Processes. Tektonika, 1(2), 76-100. doi: 10.55575/tektonika2023.1.2.30. SCEC Contribution 13335
Evans, J. P., Crouch, K., & Studnicky, C. (2020, 08). Composition and structure in the upper 2-4 km of major strike-slip faults. Poster Presentation at 2020 SCEC Annual Meeting. SCEC Contribution 10407
Thomann, C., Jänecke, S. U., Markowski, D., Evans, J. P., & Quinn, R. (2018, 08). Unraveling a tectonic knot: structural domains, voluminous fault zones, creep, and dispersed strain between the San Andreas Fault and Brawley Seismic Zone. Poster Presentation at 2018 SCEC Annual Meeting. SCEC Contribution 8673
Evans, J. P., Reimann, R., Studnicky, C., & Bradbury, K. K. (2018, 08). The composition and structure of shallow portions of the San Andreas and San Gabriel Faults. Poster Presentation at 2018 SCEC Annual Meeting. SCEC Contribution 8551
Jänecke, S. U., Kenney, M., Persaud, P., Markowski, D. K., & Evans, J. P. (2018). Durmid ladder structure and its implications for the nucleation sites of the next M >7.5 earthquake on the San Andreas fault or Brawley seismic zone in southern California. Lithosphere, 10(5), 602-631. doi: 10.1130/L629.1. SCEC Contribution 7224
Jänecke, S. U., Belgarde, B. E., Bykerk-Kauffman, A., Evans, J. P., Kirby, S., Markowski, D., Steely, A., & Thornock, S. J. (2017, 08). Ladders, stair-steps, and crossing faults: Insights from southern California’s active strike-slip faults. Poster Presentation at 2017 SCEC Annual Meeting. SCEC Contribution 7834
Lindvall, S. C., Kerwin, S., Evans, J. P., Tyson, J., Chestnut, J., Heron, C., Mass, K., Scharer, K. M., McPhillips, D., Moore, D., Farr, M., Ballard, C., Williams, R. T., Bradbury, K. K., Rowe, C. D., & Savage, H. M. (2017, 08). San Andreas Fault Characterization at the LADWP Elizabeth Tunnel. Poster Presentation at 2017 SCEC Annual Meeting. SCEC Contribution 7668
Borhara, K., Bradbury, K. K., & Evans, J. P. (2017, 08). Carbonaceous fault-related rocks in SAFOD Phase III core: Indicators of fluid-rock interaction and structural diagenesis during slip. Poster Presentation at 2017 SCEC Annual Meeting. SCEC Contribution 7633
Ault, A. K., McDermott, R. G., Moser, A. C., & Evans, J. P. (2017, 08). Hematite nano- to micro-textures and (U-Th)/He thermochronometry inform seismic and aseismic fault damage zone processes. Poster Presentation at 2017 SCEC Annual Meeting. SCEC Contribution 7576
Evans, J. P., Borhara, K., & Webb, S. (2017, 08). Earthquake Petrology: Insights into Fault Slip Localization and Fault Heating via Micro X-Ray Fluorescence Mapping and X-Ray Absorption Near Edge Spectroscopy. Poster Presentation at 2017 SCEC Annual Meeting. SCEC Contribution 7548
McDermott, R., Ault, A. K., & Evans, J. P. (2017, 08). Examining earthquake processes with microtextural analysis and (U-Th)/He thermochronometry: a case study from hematite fault mirrors in the Wasatch fault zone. Poster Presentation at 2017 SCEC Annual Meeting. SCEC Contribution 7438
Moser, A. C., Evans, J. P., Ault, A. K., Janecke, S. U., Bradbury, K. K., & Reiners, P. (2017). (U-Th)/He thermochronometry reveals Pleistocene punctuated deformation and synkinematic hematite mineralization in the Mecca Hills, southernmost San Andreas Fault zone. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 476, 87-99. SCEC Contribution 7223
Forand, D. H., Evans, J. P., Janecke, S. U., & Jacobs, J. (2017). Insights into fault processes and the geometry of the San Andreas fault system: Analysis of core from the deep drill hole at Cajon Pass, California . Geological Society of America Bulletin, 117. doi: 10.1130/B31681.1. SCEC Contribution 7093
Janecke, S. U., Markowski, D., Thornock, S. J., Evans, J. P., Steely, A., & Bykerk-Kauffman, A. (2016). The strange geometries of strike slip faults: insights from southern California’s active faults. Poster Presentation at 2016 Geological Society of America Annual Meeting. SCEC Contribution 7086
Bradbury, K. K., Moser, A. C., Schulthies, S. A., & Evans, J. P. (2016, 08). Multi-scale Structural Characterization of the Mecca Hills Fault System in the NE block of the Southern San Andreas Fault System, California. Poster Presentation at 2016 SCEC Annual Meeting. SCEC Contribution 7021
Janecke, S. U., Markowski, D., Bilham, R., Evans, J. P., Bunds, M., Wells, J., Andreini, J., & Quinn, R. (2016, 08). The East Shoreline strand of the San Andreas Fault and its implications for the next Big One in southern California. Poster Presentation at 2016 SCEC Annual Meeting. SCEC Contribution 6629
Evans, J. P., Prante, M. R., Janecke, S. U., Ault, A. K., & Newell, D. L. (2014). Hot faults: Iridescent slip surfaces with metallic luster document high-temperature ancient seismicity in the Wasatch fault zone, Utah, USA. Geology, 42(7), 623-626. doi: 10.1130/G35617.1. SCEC Contribution 6054
Prante, M. R., Evans, J. P., & Janecke, S. U. (2014). Evidence for paleoseismic slip on a continental low-angle normal fault: Tectonic pseudotachylyte from the West Salton detachment fault, CA, USA. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 387(1), 170-183. doi: 10.1016/j.epsl.2013.10.048. SCEC Contribution 1829
Jacobs, J., & Evans, J. P. (2006). Energetics of chemical alteration in fault zones and its relationship to the seismic cycle. In R. Abercrombie, A. McGarr, H. Kanamori, & G. Di Toro (Eds.), AGU Monograph on Earthquake energy budgets, (170, pp. 181-191) , : AGU SCEC Contribution 993
Jacobs, J., Howard, S., Forand, D. H., Dor, O., & Evans, J. P. (2006, 09). Field Guide to Exhumed Major Faults in Southern California. Oral Presentation at SCEC 2005 Meeting Field trip. . SCEC Contribution 7245
Shipton, Z. P., Evans, J. P., Abercrombie, R. P., & Brodsky, E. P. (2006). The Missing Sinks: Slip Localization in Faults, Damage Zones, and the Seismic Energy Budget. AGU Monograph: Earthquakes: Radiated Energy and the Physics of Faulting, Volume 170, 170, 217-221. doi: 10.1029/170GM22. SCEC Contribution 14097
Last updated Feb 04, 2025.