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Thatcher, W. R., & Chapman, D. S. (2021, 08). A Thermal Model of the Southern California: SoCal Likes It (Mostly) Hot. Oral Presentation at 2021 SCEC Annual Meeting. SCEC Contribution 11140
Hearn, E. H., Montesi, L. G., Hirth, G., Oskin, M. E., Behr, W. M., & Thatcher, W. R. (2021, 08). The SCEC Community Rheology Model: A modular resource for investigating the effective viscosity structure of southern California. Oral Presentation at 2021 SCEC Annual Meeting. SCEC Contribution 11113
Thatcher, W. R. (2020, 08). The SCEC Community Thermal Model (CTM) Version 1.2. Poster Presentation at 2020 SCEC Annual Meeting. SCEC Contribution 10724
Hearn, E. H., Oskin, M. E., Hirth, G., Montesi, L. G., Thatcher, W. R., Behr, W. M., & Pauk, E. (2020, 08). The SCEC Community Rheology Model (CRM) . Poster Presentation at 2020 SCEC Annual Meeting. SCEC Contribution 10606
Thatcher, W. R., Hearn, E. H., Oskin, M. E., Montesi, L. G., Hirth, G., Behr, W. M., Plesch, A., & Shaw, J. H. (2019, 08). Preliminary SCEC Community Rheology Model. Poster Presentation at 2019 SCEC Annual Meeting. SCEC Contribution 9833
Hearn, E. H., Oskin, M. E., Thatcher, W. R., Hirth, G., Behr, W. M., & Legg, M. R. (2018, 08). Progress toward a Community Rheology Model of Southern California. Poster Presentation at 2018 SCEC Annual Meeting. SCEC Contribution 8696
Thatcher, W. R., & Chapman, D. S. (2018, 08). Heat Flow Data and Seismic Imaging Reveal Both Transient and Steady-State Thermo-Mechanical Processes at Work Beneath Southern California. Oral Presentation at 2018 SCEC Annual Meeting. SCEC Contribution 8318
Thatcher, W. R., Chapman, D. S., Allam, A. A., & Williams, C. (2017, 08). Refining Southern California Geotherms Using Seismologic, Geologic, and Petrologic Constraints. Poster Presentation at 2017 SCEC Annual Meeting. SCEC Contribution 7857
Field, E. H., Jordan, T. H., Page, M. T., Milner, K. R., Shaw, B. E., Dawson, T. E., Biasi, G. P., Parsons, T., Hardebeck, J. L., Michael, A. J., Weldon, R. J., Powers, P. M., Johnson, K. M., Zeng, Y., Felzer, K. R., van der Elst, N. J., Madden, C., Arrowsmith, R., Werner, M. J., & Thatcher, W. R. (2017). A Synoptic View of the Third Uniform California Earthquake Rupture Forecast (UCERF3). Seismological Research Letters, 88(5), 1259-1267. doi: 10.1785/0220170045. SCEC Contribution 7165
Thatcher, W. R., Chapman, D. S., & Williams, C. (2016, 08). Temperature exerts the strongest control on the 3D rheology of the southern California lithosphere. Poster Presentation at 2016 SCEC Annual Meeting. SCEC Contribution 6987
Field, E. H., Biasi, G. P., Bird, P., Dawson, T., Felzer, K. R., Jackson, D. D., Johnson, K. M., Jordan, T. H., Madden, C. L., Michael, A. J., Milner, K. R., Page, M. T., Parsons, T., Powers, P. M., Shaw, B. E., Thatcher, W. R., Weldon, R. J., & Zeng, Y. (2015). Long-Term Time-Dependent Probabilities for the Third Uniform California Earthquake Rupture Forecast (UCERF 3). Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, 105(2A), 511-543. doi: 10.1785/0120140093. SCEC Contribution 2066
Hearn, E. H., & Thatcher, W. R. (2015). Reconciling viscoelastic models of postseismic and interseismic deformation: Effects of viscous shear zones and finite-length ruptures. Journal of Geophysical Research, 120(4), 2794-2819. SCEC Contribution 1956
Thatcher, W. R., Hearn, E. H., & Hirth, G. H. (2013). Ductile Rheology of the Southern California Lithosphere: Constraints from Deformation Modeling, Rock Mechanics, and Field Observations. Eos, Transactions, American Geophysical Union, 94(32), 280. doi: 10.1002/20. SCEC Contribution 1824
Field, E. H., Biasi, G. P., Bird, P., Dawson, T., Felzer, K. R., Jackson, D. D., Johnson, K. M., Jordan, T. H., Madden Madugo, C. L., Michael, A. J., Milner, K. R., Page, M. T., Parsons, T., Powers, P. M., Shaw, B. E., Thatcher, W. R., Weldon, R. J., & Zeng, Y. (2013). Uniform California Earthquake Rupture Forecast, Version 3 (UCERF3)—The Time-Independent Model (1165). , : . SCEC Contribution 1792
Hearn, E. H., Pollitz, F. F., & Thatcher, W. R. (2013). How do “ghost transients” from past earthquakes affect GPS slip rate estimates on southern California faults?. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 14(4), 828-838. doi: 10.1002/ggge.20080. SCEC Contribution 1666
Hearn, E. H., Johnson, K. M., & Thatcher, W. R. (2010). Space geodetic data improve seismic hazard assessment in California: Workshop on incorporating geodetic surface deformation data into UCERF3; Pomona, California, 1-2 April 2010. Eos, Transactions, American Geophysical Union, 91(38), 336. doi: 10.1029/2010EO380007. SCEC Contribution 1878
Last updated Feb 12, 2025.