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Roger Bilham

University of Colorado, Boulder
Professor of Geological Sciences

Expertise: geodesy, earthquakes, tectonics, creep, strain, sea-level, Himalaya, Colombia, Haiti, Iceland, Alaska, Utah, California, Pakistan, Afghanistan, India, Ethiopia, Bhutan, Nepal, Tibet
About Me Publications
Vavra, E. J., Fialko, Y., Rockwell, T. K., Bilham, R., Stepancikova, P., Stemberk, J., Taborik, P., & Stemberk, J. (2024, 09). Characteristic Slow‐Slip Events on the Superstition Hills Fault. Poster Presentation at 2024 SCEC Annual Meeting. SCEC Contribution 14010
Materna, K., Minson, S. E., Lindsay, D., Bürgmann, R., Crowell, B. W., & Bilham, R. (2023, 09). Propagating creep events on the Superstition Hills and Imperial faults measured by InSAR, GNSS, and creepmeters. Poster Presentation at 2023 SCEC Annual Meeting. SCEC Contribution 13130
Bilham, R., Langbein, J. O., Ericksen, T. L., Nevitt, J. M., Brooks, B. A., & Mencin, D. J. (2021, 08). Fault-zone gas venting and aseismic slip: ventilation or lubrication?. Poster Presentation at 2021 SCEC Annual Meeting. SCEC Contribution 11662
Bilham, R., & Bryan , C. (2019, 08). Triggered slip and afterslip in the 2019 Ridgecrest earthquakes: evidence for rotation of fault zone fabrics. Poster Presentation at 2019 SCEC Annual Meeting. SCEC Contribution 9846
Tymofyeyeva, E., Fialko, Y., Jiang, J., Bilham, R., Sandwell, D. T., Rockwell, T. K., Blanton, C. M., & Gontz, A. M. (2018, 08). Geodetic and geologic observations of creep on the Southern San Andreas Fault triggered by the 2017 Chiapas (Mexico) earthquake. Poster Presentation at 2018 SCEC Annual Meeting. SCEC Contribution 8597
Hough, S. E., & Bilham, R. (2017, 07). Rocking the Boat: Poro-elastic Stress Change at Seismogenic Depth Associated with Oil Production in the Los Angeles Basin in the Early 20th Century. Poster Presentation at 2017 SCEC Annual Meeting. SCEC Contribution 7334
Janecke, S. U., Markowski, D., Bilham, R., Evans, J. P., Bunds, M., Wells, J., Andreini, J., & Quinn, R. (2016, 08). The East Shoreline strand of the San Andreas Fault and its implications for the next Big One in southern California. Poster Presentation at 2016 SCEC Annual Meeting. SCEC Contribution 6629
Bilham, R., Ozener, H., Mencin, D. J., Dogru, A., Ergintav, S., Cakir, Z., Aytun, A., Aktug, B., Yilmaz, O., Johnson, W., & Mattioli, G. S. (2016, 08). Seventy-two years of Surface Creep on the North Anatolian fault at Ismetpasa: Implications for the southern San Andreas and Hayward faults. Poster Presentation at 2016 SCEC Annual Meeting. SCEC Contribution 6533
Wei, M., Liu, Y., Kaneko, Y., McGuire, J. J., & Bilham, R. (2015). Dynamic triggering of creep events in the Salton Trough, Southern California by regional M ≥ 5.4 earthquakes constrained by geodetic observations and numerical simulations. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 427, 1-10. doi: 10.1016/j.epsl.2015.06.044. SCEC Contribution 6148
Lindsey, E. O., Fialko, Y., Bock, Y., Sandwell, D. T., & Bilham, R. (2014). Localized and distributed creep along the southern San Andreas Fault. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 119(10), 7909-7922. doi: 10.1002/2014JB011275. SCEC Contribution 1969
Hauksson, E., Stock, J. M., Bilham, R., Boese, M., Chen, X., Fielding, E. J., Galetzka, J. E., Hudnut, K. W., Hutton, K., Jones, L. M., Kanamori, H., Shearer, P. M., Steidl, J. H., Treiman, J. A., Wei, S., & Yang, W. (2013). Report on the August 2012 Brawley Earthquake Swarm in Imperial Valley, Southern California. Seismological Research Letters, 84(2), 177-189. doi: 10.1785/0220120169. SCEC Contribution 1678
Rymer, M. J., Treiman, J. A., Kendrick, K. J., Lienkaemper, J. J., Weldon, R. J., Bilham, R., Wei, M., Fielding, E. J., Hernandez, J. L., Olson, B., Irvine, P., Knepprath, N., Sickler, R. R., Tong, X., & Siem, M. E. (2011). Triggered surface slips in southern California associated with the 2010 El Mayor-Cucapah, Baja California, Mexico, earthquake. , : . SCEC Contribution 7325
Hough, S. E., Martin, S., Bilham, R., & Atkinson, G. M. (2002). The 26 January 2001 M 7.6 Bhuj, India, Earthquake: Observed and Predicted Ground Motions. Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, 92(6), 2061-2079. doi: 10.1785/0120010260. SCEC Contribution 608
Bodin, P., Bilham, R., Behr, J., Gomberg, J. S., & Hudnut, K. W. (1994). Slip Triggered on Southern California Faults by the 1992 Joshua Tree, Landers and Big Bear Earthquakes. Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, 84(3), 806-816. SCEC Contribution 236

Last updated Sep 19, 2024.