Mancini, S., Segou, M., Parsons, T., & Werner, M. J. (2019, 08). Prospective and Pseudo-prospective Aftershock Forecasts After the July 2019 M6.4 Searles Valley and M7.1 Ridgecrest Earthquakes. Poster Presentation at 2019 SCEC Annual Meeting. SCEC Contribution 9689
Segou, M., & Parsons, T. (2020). A New Technique to Calculate Earthquake Stress Transfer and to Probe the Physics of Aftershocks. Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, 110(2), 863-873. doi: 10.1785/0120190033. SCEC Contribution 10816
Mancini, S., Segou, M., Werner, M. J., & Parsons, T. (2020). The Predictive Skills of Elastic Coulomb Rate-and-State Aftershock Forecasts during the 2019 Ridgecrest, California, Earthquake Sequence. Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, 110(4), 1736-1751. doi: 10.1785/0120200028. SCEC Contribution 10017