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John B. Rundle

University of California, Davis
Distinguished Professor

Expertise: Earthquake Source physics driven threshhold systems statistical field theory and physics of earthquakes; phase transitions; complex systems; driven threshold systems.
About Me Publications
John was a Visiting Associate at the California Institute of Technology (1980-1982) at the Caltech Seismological Laboratory. He was also a Member (1990 - 1997) and Chair (1994-1996) of the scientific Advisory Council to the Southern California Earthquake Center. He is currently a Distinguished Visiting Scientist at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, CA (1995-present), an External Professor at the Santa Fe Institute, and a Fellow of the American Physical Society (2005), the American Geophysical Union (2008), and the American Association for the Advancement of Science (2017). Recently, he was a co-winner of the NASA Software of the Year Award (2012). John received his B.S.E from Princeton University (Magna Cum Laude, Phi Beta Kappa, Tau Beta Pi), and M.S. (1973) and Ph.D. (1976) from the University of California at Los Angeles. In addition to natural hazards and earthquakes, he also has professional interests in forecasting, validation of forecasts, and quantitative finance. He co-organized (along with Michael Maouboussin, Chris Wood and Martin Lebowitz) a yearly meeting on risk for the Santa Fe Institute, often held at Morgan Stanley, Inc., in New York. He teaches courses in Risk and Natural Disasters; Complex Systems; and Econophysics and Quantitative Finance at the University of California, Davis.

SCEC Participation

Current Roles

SCEC Board of Directors, Core Institution Member (2024 - Present)

Past Roles

SCEC Advisory Council, Member (1998 - 2001)
SCEC Advisory Council, Chair (1994 - 1997)