Gleb Morein
University of California, Davis
About Me
Rundle, J. B., Rundle, P. B., Donnellan, A., Klein, W., Morein, G., Li, P., & Turcotte, D. L. (2005). Stress Transfer in Earthquakes and Forecasting: Inferences from Numerical Simulations. Journal of Geophysical Research, (in preparation). SCEC Contribution 777
Rundle, J. B., Rundle, P. B., Donnellan, A., Li, P., Klein, W., Morein, G., Turcotte, D. L., & Grant Ludwig, L. B. (2006). Stress Transfer in Earthquakes, Hazard Estimation and Ensemble Forecasting: Inferences from Numerical Simulations. Tectonophysics, 413(1-2), 109-125. doi: 10.1016/j.tecto.2005.10.031. SCEC Contribution 794
Last updated Sep 22, 2015.