Mehmet B. Yikilmaz

Earth and Planetary Sciences Department
University of California, Davis

Expertise: Structural Geology, Tectonics, Remote Sensing, Numerical Modelling of Fault Systems
About Me Publications
Yikilmaz, M. B., Turcotte, D. L., Heien, E. M., Kellogg, L. H., & Rundle, J. B. (2014). Critical jump distance for propagating earthquake ruptures across  stepovers. Pure and Applied Geophysics,. doi: 10.1007/s00024-014-0786-y. SCEC Contribution 2025
Sachs, M. K., Heien, E. M., Turcotte, D. L., Yikilmaz, M. B., Rundle, J. B., & Kellogg, L. H. (2012). Virtual California Earthquake Simulator. Seismological Research Letters, 83(6), 973-978. doi: 10.1785/0220120052. SCEC Contribution 1630

Last updated Apr 22, 2016.