Poster #056, Seismology
Temporal Changes of Seismicity in Salton Sea Geothermal Field with Waveform-matched Catalog
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Poster Presentation
2020 SCEC Annual Meeting, Poster #056, SCEC Contribution #10642 VIEW PDF
gy Borehole Network (EN) in 2008-2014 to obtain a more complete catalog. We find triggered seismicity in SSGF following several regional M>6 earthquakes. However M>8.0 teleseismic earthquakes did not trigger significant seismicity rate change in SSGF. This suggests that short-period surface waves around 10 s is more efficient in triggering seismicity than long-period surface waves (> 20 s) in this region. We also characterize the correlation between seismicity and geothermal production rates, and the temporal and spatial variation of Guttenberg-Richter b-values inside and outside SSGF with the newly-detected catalog. The long-term seismicity shows that M>1.5 events are likely correlated with net production rates, while smaller events do not show any correlations with the geothermal production/injection rates. The b-values inside SSGF are higher than outside SSGF, and there is an increasing trend of b-value, which is consistent with the long-term poroelastic contraction due to geothermal productions.