Poster #066, Seismology
Temporal Seismic Velocity Variations: Recovery Following from the 2019 Mw 7.1 Ridgecrest Earthquake
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Poster Presentation
2020 SCEC Annual Meeting, Poster #066, SCEC Contribution #10202 VIEW PDF
roperties of the shallow crust surrounding the Ridgecrest fault zone (RFZ). A short-term velocity drop follows the Mw 7.1 earthquake at stations in the vicinity of the Mw 7.1 earthquake, while those greater than 50 km away showed no such drop despite recording peak ground accelerations of up to more than 22 % of g. Additionally, the maximum, absolute seismic velocity changes are proportional to the logarithm of distance from the fault rupture; the seismic velocity changes exhibit a weak correlation with peak horizontal ground accelerations, though variability is high and multiple sites are not explained by this relationship. For the stations that recorded a reduced seismic velocity, two distinctive temporal behaviors emerged. Near the areas of the highest coseismic slip within the RFZ, seismic velocities recovered over 3 months. However, in the vicinity of the nearby Garlock fault, where triggered slip manifested, and north of the RFZ, seismic velocities recovered within a month. We interpret the seismic velocity changes and their recovery to be largely due to changes in the physical properties of the shallow crust, such as fault zone damage recovery caused by the earthquake rupture process, and perhaps in response to the large dynamic stresses of passing seismic waves from the earthquake.