Charles A. Williams
Tectonophysics Department
GNS Science (New Zealand)
GNS Science (New Zealand)
Geodynamic Modeler
Expertise: Numerical modeling in solid mechanics, inverse problems
About Me
No bio available.
Aagaard, B. T., Knepley, M. G., & Williams, C. A. (2024, 09). Effect of spatial discretization order in fault slip inversions. Poster Presentation at 2024 SCEC Annual Meeting. SCEC Contribution 13704
Gerstenberger, M. C., Van Dissen, R. J., Rollins, C., DiCaprio, C., Thingbaijim, K. S., Bora, S. S., Chamberlain, C., Christophersen, A., Coffey, G. L., Ellis, S., Iturrieta, P. C., Johnson, K. M., Litchfield, N. J., Nicol, A., Milner, K. R., Rastin, S. J., Rhoades, D. A., Seebeck, H., Shaw, B. E., Stirling, M., Wallace, L. M., Allen, T. I., Bradley, B. A., Charlton, D., Clark, K., Fraser, J., Griffin, J., Hamling, I., Howell, A., Hudson-Doyle, E., Hulsey, A., Jurgens, V., Kaiser, A. E., Kirkman, R., Langridge, R. M., Maurer, J. L., Rattenbury, M. S., Ristau, J., Schorlemmer, D., Townend, J., Villamor, P., & Williams, C. A. (2024). The Seismicity Rate Model for the 2022 Aotearoa New Zealand National Seismic Hazard Model. Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, 114(1), 182-216. doi: 10.1785/0120230165. SCEC Contribution 13421
Gerstenberger, M. C., Bora, S. S., Bradley, B. A., DiCaprio, C., Kaiser, A. E., Manea, E. F., Nicol, A., Rollins, C., Stirling, M., Thingbaijam, K. S., Van Dissen, R. J., Abbott, E. R., Atkinson, G. M., Chamberlain, C., Christophersen, A., Clark, K., Coffey, G. L., de la Torre, C. A., Ellis, S., Fraser, J., Graham, K., Griffin, J., Hamling, I., Hill, M. P., Howell, A., Hulsey, A., Hutchinson, J., Iturrieta, P. C., Johnson, K. M., Jurgens, V., Kirkman, R., Langridge, R. M., Lee, R. L., Litchfield, N. J., Maurer, J. L., Milner, K. R., Rastin, S., Rattenbury, M. S., Rhoades, D. A., Ristau, J., Schorlemmer, D., Seebeck, H., Shaw, B. E., Stafford, P. J., Stolte, A. C., Townend, J., Villamor, P., Wallace, L. M., Weatherill, G., Williams, C. A., & Wotherspoon, L. M. (2023). The 2022 Aotearoa New Zealand National Seismic Hazard Model: Process, Overview, and Results. Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, 114(1), 7-36. doi: 10.1785/0120230182. SCEC Contribution 13422
Aagaard, B. T., Knepley, M. G., Williams, C. A., & Walker, R. L. (2023, 09). Ongoing development of PyLith version 3: New features, additional examples, and current priorities . Poster Presentation at 2023 SCEC Annual Meeting. SCEC Contribution 12810
Walker, R. L., Aagaard, B. T., Knepley, M. G., & Williams, C. A. (2021, 08). Implementing and Benchmarking Poroelasticity in PyLith. Poster Presentation at 2021 SCEC Annual Meeting. SCEC Contribution 11371
Hearn, E. H., & Williams, C. A. (2019, 08). Postseismic deformation models for the July 2019 Ridgecrest earthquakes: Applications of the SCEC Community Rheology Model. Poster Presentation at 2019 SCEC Annual Meeting. SCEC Contribution 9806
Materna, K., Bartlow, N. M., Wech, A., Williams, C. A., & Bürgmann, R. (2019, 08). Dynamically Triggered Changes in Interface Coupling in Southern Cascadia. Poster Presentation at 2019 SCEC Annual Meeting. SCEC Contribution 9579
Williams, C. A., Wallace, L. M., Bartlow, N. M., & Haines, J. (2019, 08). Development of a slow slip catalog for the Hikurangi subduction margin, New Zealand. Poster Presentation at 2019 SCEC Annual Meeting. SCEC Contribution 9321
Aagaard, B. T., Williams, C. A., & Knepley, M. G. (2016, 08). Flexible implementation of multiphysics and discretizations in PyLith crustal deformation modeling software. Poster Presentation at 2016 SCEC Annual Meeting. SCEC Contribution 6927
Holden, C., Williams, C. A., & Rhoades, D. A. (2016, 08). Dynamic stress triggering in the 2010-2011 Canterbury earthquake sequence. Poster Presentation at 2016 SCEC Annual Meeting. SCEC Contribution 6623
Ellis, S., Williams, C. A., Ristau, J., Reyners, M., Eberhart-Phillips, D., & Wallace, L. M. (2016, 08). Calculating regional stresses for northern Canterbury: the effect of the 2010 Darfield earthquake. Poster Presentation at 2016 SCEC Annual Meeting. SCEC Contribution 6540
Williams, C. A., Harte, D. S., & Bebbington, M. (2015). Cumulative Coulomb Stress Triggering as an Explanation for the Canterbury (New Zealand) Aftershock Sequence: Initial Conditions Are Everything?. Pure and Applied Geophysics, 1-16. doi: 10.1007/s00024-015-1062-5. SCEC Contribution 6140
Williams, C. A., & Wallace, L. M. (2015). Effects of material property variations on slip estimates for subduction interface slow slip events. Geophysical Research Letters, 42, 1113-1121. SCEC Contribution 2071
Steacy, S., Gerstenberger, M. C., Williams, C. A., Rhoades, D. A., & Christophersen, A. (2014). A new hybrid Coulomb/statistical model for forecasting aftershock rates. Geophysical Journal International, 196(2), 918-923. doi: 10.1093/gji/ggt404. SCEC Contribution 6059
Aagaard, B. T., Knepley, M. G., & Williams, C. A. (2013). A Domain Decomposition Approach to Implementing Fault Slip in Finite-Element Models of Quasi-static and Dynamic Crustal Deformation. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 118(6), 3059–3079. doi: 10.1002/jgrb.50217. SCEC Contribution 1665
Currenti, G. M., Del Negro, C., Ganci, G., & Williams, C. A. (2008). Static stress changes induced by the magmatic intrusions during the 2002–2003 Etna eruption. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 113(B10), B10206. doi: 10.1029/2007JB005301. SCEC Contribution 1215
Last updated Sep 19, 2024.