Sandy Steacy

University of Ulster (United Kingdom)
Professor of Earthquake Physics/Director, Earth Sciences Research Institute
About Me Publications
Cattania, C., Werner, M. J., Marzocchi, W., Hainzl, S., Rhoades, D., Gerstenberger, M., Liukis, M., Savran, W., Christophersen, A., Helmstetter, A., Jimenez, A., Steacy, S., & Jordan, T. H. (2018). The Forecasting Skill of Physics‐Based Seismicity Models during the 2010–2012 Canterbury, New Zealand, Earthquake Sequence. Seismological Research Letters, 89(4), 1238-1250. doi: 10.1785/0220180033. SCEC Contribution 8045
Steacy, S., Gerstenberger, M. C., Williams, C. A., Rhoades, D. A., & Christophersen, A. (2014). A new hybrid Coulomb/statistical model for forecasting aftershock rates. Geophysical Journal International, 196(2), 918-923. doi: 10.1093/gji/ggt404. SCEC Contribution 6059
Steacy, S., & Sammis, C. G. (1992). A Damage Mechanics Model for Fault Zone Friction. Journal of Geophysical Research, 97(B1), 587-594. SCEC Contribution 336

Last updated Feb 22, 2019.