Katherine J. Kendrick
United States Geological Survey
Research Geologist
Expertise: Tectonic Gomorphology, Neotectonics, Quaternary Geology
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Yule, D., Matti, J. C., Kendrick, K. J., & Heermance, R. V. (2022, 09). Where's the slip? No known slip in ~40,000 years on northern-route strands of the San Andreas Fault from the northwest Indio Hills to central San Gorgonio Pass, southern California. Poster Presentation at 2022 SCEC Annual Meeting. SCEC Contribution 12162
Yule, D., Matti, J. C., Kendrick, K. J., & Heermance, R. V. (2021, 08). Where's the slip? No slip in at least 40,000 years on northern-route strands of the San Andreas fault northwest of the Indio Hills, southern California . Poster Presentation at 2021 SCEC Annual Meeting. SCEC Contribution 11275
Philibosian, B., Thompson Jobe, J., Chupik, C., Dawson, T., Bennett, S. E., Gold, R. D., DuRoss, C. B., Ladinsky, T., Kendrick, K. J., Haddon, E. K., Pierce, I., Swanson, B. J., & Seitz, G. G. (2020, 07). Evidence of previous faulting along the 2019 Ridgecrest earthquake ruptures. Poster Presentation at 2020 SCEC Annual Meeting. SCEC Contribution 10205
Haddon, E. K., Bennett, S. E., Patton, J. R., Kendrick, K. J., Oglesby, D. D., Olson, B., DuRoss, C. B., & Pickering, A. (2019, 08). Coseismic Variations in Slip Orientation from Curved Striations and Projectile Playa Soils during the 2019 M7.1 Ridgecrest Earthquake. Poster Presentation at 2019 SCEC Annual Meeting. SCEC Contribution 9843
Yule, D., Matti, J. C., Kendrick, K. J., & Heermance, R. V. (2019, 08). Evidence for inactivity since ~100 ka on the northern route of the San Andreas fault, southern California. Poster Presentation at 2019 SCEC Annual Meeting. SCEC Contribution 9791
Kendrick, K. J., Akciz, S. O., Angster, S. J., Avouac, J., Bachhuber, J. L., Bennett, S. E., Blake, K., Bork, S., Brooks, B. A., Burgess, P., Chupik, C., Dawson, T., DeFrisco, M. J., Delano, J., DeLong, S., Dolan, J. F., DuRoss, C. B., Ericksen, T., Frost, E., Gold, R. D., Graehl, N. A., Haddon, E. K., Hatem, A. E., Hernandez, J. L., Hitchcock, C., Hudnut, K. W., Koehler, R. D., Kozaci, O., Ladinsky, T., Madugo, C. M., Mareschal, M., McPhillips, D., Milliner, C., Morelan, A. E., Nevitt, J., Olson, B., Padilla, S. E., Patton, J. R., Philibosian, B., Pickering, A., Pierce, I., Ponti, D. J., Pridmore, C., Rosa, C., Roth, N., Scharer, K. M., Seitz, G. G., Spangler, E., Swanson, B. J., Thomas, K., Thompson Jobe, J., Treiman, J. A., Williams, A. M., & Oskin, M. E. (2019, 08). Geologic observations of surface fault rupture associated with the Ridgecrest M6.4 and M7.1 earthquake sequence by the Ridgecrest Rupture Mapping Group. Poster Presentation at 2019 SCEC Annual Meeting. SCEC Contribution 9779
Matti, J. C., Kendrick, K. J., Yule, D., & Heermance, R. V. (2019, 08). Is the Mission Creek Fault in the San Gorgonio Pass region of southern California a long-abandoned strand of the San Andreas Fault? Or is it a major player in the San Andreas Fault’s late Quaternary strain budget?. Poster Presentation at 2019 SCEC Annual Meeting. SCEC Contribution 9342
Kendrick, K. J., & Fumal, T. E. (2018, 08). Paleoseismology of the northern San Jacinto fault, San Bernardino County. Poster Presentation at 2018 SCEC Annual Meeting. SCEC Contribution 8661
Kendrick, K. J., & Matti, J. C. (2017, 08). Geomorphic and geologic evidence for slip along the San Bernardino strand of the San Andreas Fault System through the San Gorgonio Pass structural knot, southern California. Poster Presentation at 2017 SCEC Annual Meeting. SCEC Contribution 7775
Rood, A. H., Rood, D. H., Balco, G., Stafford, P. J., Grant Ludwig, L., Kendrick, K. J., & Wilcken, K. M. (2022). Validation of earthquake ground-motion models in southern California using precariously balanced rocks. Geological Society of America Bulletin,. doi: 10.1130/B36484.1. SCEC Contribution 12006
McGill, S. F., Owen, L. A., Weldon, R. J., Kendrick, K. J., & Burgette, R. J. (2021). Latest Quaternary slip rates of the San Bernardino strand of the San Andreas fault, southern California, from Cajon Creek to Badger Canyon. Geosphere, 17(5), 1354-1381. doi: 10.1130/GES02231.1. SCEC Contribution 10001
Ponti, D. J., Morelan, A. E., Padilla, S. E., Oskin, M. E., Olson, B., O'Neal, M., Nevitt, J. M., Nale, S., Mongovin, D. D., Philibosian, B., Milliner, C., McPhillips, D., McDonald, J., Mareschal, M., Madugo, C. M., Leeper, R. J., Ladinsky, T., patton, j. R., Pierce, I., Koehler, R. D., Jobe, J., Zimmerman, J., Zachariasen, J., Xu, X., Williams, A. M., Vanderwal, J., Valencia, F. N., Treiman, J. A., Swanson, B. J., Pridmore, C., Spangler, E., Smith-Konter, B. R., Singleton, D. M., Seitz, G. G., Scharer, K. M., Sandwell, D. T., Roth, N., Kozaci, O., Kendrick, K. J., Blair, J., Barth, N. C., Burgess, P., Bullard, T., Brooks, B. A., Bork, S., Blake, K., Bennett, S. E., Bacon, S., Dawson, T., Bachhuber, J. L., Avouac, J., Angster, S. J., Akciz, S. O., Pickering, A., Thomas, K., Rosa, C., Chupik, C., DeFrisco, M. J., Hudnut, K. W., Graehl, N. A., Holland, P., Hitchcock, C., Hernandez, J. L., Helms, J., Hatem, A., Haddon, E. K., Gutierrez, C., Gold, R. D., Delano, J., Funning, G. J., Frost, E., Ericksen, T., DuRoss, C. B., Donnellan, A., Dolan, J. F., DeLong, S., & Zinke, R. (2020). Documentation of Surface Fault Rupture and Ground-Deformation Features Produced by the 4 and 5 July 2019 Mw 6.4 and Mw 7.1 Ridgecrest Earthquake Sequence. Seismological Research Letters, 91(5), 2942-2959. doi: 10.1785/0220190322. SCEC Contribution 10852
DuRoss, C. B., Gold, R. D., Dawson, T., Scharer, K. M., Kendrick, K. J., Akciz, S. O., Angster, S. J., Bachhuber, J. L., Bacon, S., Bennett, S. E., Blair, L., Brooks, B. A., Bullard, T., Burgess, W. P., Chupik, C., DeFrisco, M. J., Delano, J., Dolan, J. F., Frost, E., Graehl, N. A., Haddon, E. K., Hatem, A., Hernandez, J. L., Hitchcock, C., Hudnut, K. W., Thompson Jobe, J., Koehler, R. D., Kozaci, O., Ladinsky, T., Madugo, C. M., McPhillips, D., Milliner, C., Morelan, A. E., Olson, B., patton, j. R., Philibosian, B., Pickering, A., Pierce, I., Ponti, D. J., Seitz, G. G., Spangler, E., Swanson, B. J., Thomas, K., Treiman, J. A., Valencia, F. N., Williams, A. M., & Zinke, R. (2020). Surface Displacement Distributions for the July 2019 Ridgecrest, California, Earthquake Ruptures. Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, 110(4), 1400-1418. doi: 10.1785/0120200058. SCEC Contribution 10110
Gold, P. O., Behr, W. M., Rood, D. H., Sharp, W. D., Rockwell, T. K., Kendrick, K. J., & Salin, A. Z. (2015). Holocene geologic slip rate for the Banning strand of the southern San Andreas Fault, southern California. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 120(8), 5639–5663. SCEC Contribution 6188
Gold, P. O., Behr, W. M., Rood, D. H., Sharp, W. D., Rockwell, T. K., Kendrick, K. J., & Salin, A. (2015). Holocene geologic slip rate for the Banning strand of the southern San Andreas Fault, southern California. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 120(8), 5639-5663. doi: 10.1002/2015JB012004. SCEC Contribution 2083
McGill, S. F., Kendrick, K. J., Owen, L. A., & Weldon, R. J. (2013). Latest Pleistocene and Holocene slip rate for the San Bernardino strand of the San Andreas fault, Plunge Creek, Southern California: Implications for strain partitioning within the southern San Andreas fault system for the last ∼35 k.y.. Geological Society of America Bulletin, 125(1-2), 48-72. doi: 10.1130/B30647.1. SCEC Contribution 1233
McGill, S. F., Owen, L. A., Weldon, R. J., & Kendrick, K. J. (2012). Latest Pleistocene and Holocene Slip Rate for the San Bernardino Strand of the San Andreas Fault, Plunge Creek Southern California: Implications for Strain Partitioning within the Southern San Andreas Fault System for the last 32 ka. Geological Society of America Bulletin, 125(1-2), 48-72. doi: 10.1130/B30647.1. SCEC Contribution 1596
Rymer, M. J., Treiman, J. A., Kendrick, K. J., Lienkaemper, J. J., Weldon, R. J., Bilham, R., Wei, M., Fielding, E. J., Hernandez, J. L., Olson, B., Irvine, P., Knepprath, N., Sickler, R. R., Tong, X., & Siem, M. E. (2011). Triggered surface slips in southern California associated with the 2010 El Mayor-Cucapah, Baja California, Mexico, earthquake. , : . SCEC Contribution 7325
McGill, S. F., Owen, L. A., Weldon, R. J., & Kendrick, K. J. (2011). Latest Pleistocene Slip Rate of the San Bernardino Strand of the San Andreas Fault at Plunge Creek in Highland, California. , : Inland Empire Chapter, Assoc. of Environ. and Eng. Geologist. SCEC Contribution 1479
Behr, W. M., Rood, D. H., Fletcher, K. E., Guzman, N. E., Finkel, R., Hanks, T. C., Hudnut, K. W., Kendrick, K. J., Platt, J. P., Sharp, W. D., Weldon, R. J., & Yule, D. (2010). Uncertainties in slip rate estimates for the Mission Creek strand of the southern San Andreas Fault at Biskra Palms Oasis, southern California. Geological Society of America Bulletin,. SCEC Contribution 1292
Fletcher, K. E., Sharp, W. D., Kendrick, K. J., Behr, W. M., Hudnut, K. W., & Hanks, T. C. (2009). 230Th/U dating of a late Pleistocene alluvial fan along the southern San Andreas fault. Geological Society of America Bulletin,. SCEC Contribution 1290
Treiman, J. A., Kendrick, K. J., Bryant, W. A., Rockwell, T. K., & McGill, S. F. (2002). Primary Surface Rupture Associated with the Mw 7.1 16 October 1999 Hector Mine Earthquake, San Bernardino County, California. Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, 92(4), 1171-1191. doi: 10.1785/0120000923. SCEC Contribution 625
Last updated Mar 22, 2023.