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Daniel Roten

University of California San Diego
Computational and Data Science Research Specialist

Expertise: Prediction of strong ground motion using numerical methods and machine learning, nonlinear soil behavior, site effects, visualization
About Me Publications
(a) Professional preparation

ETH Zurich, Switzerland Geophysics M.S., 2002
ETH Zurich, Switzerland Seismology Ph.D., 2007
SDSU San Diego, CA Seismology 2007-2010

(b) Appointments

10/21-present Computational and Data Science Research Specialist, University of California San Diego
4/15-9/21 Computational Research Seismologist, San Diego State University
4/14 - 3/15 Senior Computational Scientist, San Diego Supercomputer Center
10/10-1/14 Senior Researcher / Lecturer, Swiss Seismological Service and ETH Zurich
05/11-08/11 JSPS postdoctoral fellow (short-term), ERI, Tokyo
11/07-09/10 Postdoctoral researcher, San Diego State University
03/03-10/07 Ph.D. student, ETH Zurich
11/02-03/03 Work experience, Geoscience Australia, ACT, Canberra
05/02-10/02 Research assistant, Swiss Seismological Service

(c) Products

Five most relevant publications

Roten, D., Olsen, K.B., Day, S.M., Cui. Y. and Fäh,D., 2014. “Expected seismic shaking in Los Angeles reduced by San Andreas fault zone plasticity”, Geophys. Res. Lett., 41(8), 2969-2777
Roten, D., Olsen, K.B. and Pechmann, J.C., 2012. ''3D Simulations of M 7 Earthquakes on the Wasatch Fault, Utah, Part II: Broadband (0-10 Hz) ground motion and nonlinear soil behavior, Bull. seism. Soc. Am., 102(5), 2008-2030
Roten, D., Olsen, K.B., Pechmann, J.C., Cruz-Atienza, V.M. and Magistrale, H., 2011. ''3D Simulations of M 7 Earthquakes on the Wasatch Fault, Utah, Part I: Long-Period (0-1 Hz) Ground Motion'', Bull. seism. Soc. Am, 101(5), 2045-2063
Cui, Y., Olsen, K.B., Jordan, T.H., Lee, K., Zhou, J., Small, P., Roten, D., Ely, G., Panda, D.K., Chourasia, A., Levesque, J., Day, S.M. and Maechling, P., 2010. “Scalable Earthquake Simulation on Petascale Supercomputers”, 2010 ACM/IEEE International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysis November 13–19 2010, New Orleans, LA
Olsen, K. B., Day, S. M., Dalguer, L. A., Mayhew, J., Cui, Y., Zhu, J., Cruz-Atienza, V., Roten, D., Maechling, P., Jordan, T., Okaya, D., and Chourasia, A. 2009. ShakeOut-D: Ground Motion Estimates Using an Ensemble of Large Earthquakes on the Southern San Andreas Fault With Spontaneous Rupture Propagation.Geophysical Research Letters, 36, L04303.