Jeff Behr

About Me Publications
Hudnut, K. W., King, N. E., Galetzka, J. E., Stark, K. F., Behr, J., Aspiotes, A. G., Van Wyk, S., Moffitt, R., Dockter, S., & Wyatt, F. K. (2002). Continuous GPS Observations of Postseismic Deformation Following the 16 October 1999 Hector Mine, California, Earthquake (Mw 7.1). Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, 92(4), 1403-1422. doi: 10.1785/0120000912. SCEC Contribution 634
Zhang, J., Bock, Y., Fang, P., Williams, S., Genrich, J. F., Wdowinski, S., & Behr, J. (1997). Southern California Permanent GPS Geodetic Array: Error analysis of daily position estimates and site velocities. Journal of Geophysical Research, 102(B8), 18035-18055. SCEC Contribution 329
Bock, Y., Wdowinski, S., Fang, P., Zhang, J., Williams, S., Johnson, H., Behr, J., Genrich, J. F., Dean, J., van Domselaar, M., Agnew, D. C., Wyatt, F. K., Stark, K. F., Oral, B., Hudnut, K. W., King, R. W., Herring, T. A., Dinardo, S., Young, W., Jackson, D. D., & Gurtner, W. (1997). Southern California Permanent GPS Geodetic Array: Continuous measurements of regional crustal deformation between the 1992 Landers and 1994 Northridge earthquakes. Journal of Geophysical Research, 102(B8), 55-61. doi: 10.1029/97JB01379. SCEC Contribution 328b
Bock, Y., Behr, J., Fang, P., Leigh, R., & Dean, J. (1997). The Global Positioning System for the Geosciences. Scripps Orbit and Permanent Array Center (SOPAC) and Southern California Permanent GPS Geodetic Array (PGGA), (, pp. 55-61) Washington, D.C., USA: National Academy Press SCEC Contribution 328a
Bodin, P., Bilham, R., Behr, J., Gomberg, J. S., & Hudnut, K. W. (1994). Slip Triggered on Southern California Faults by the 1992 Joshua Tree, Landers and Big Bear Earthquakes. Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, 84(3), 806-816. SCEC Contribution 236

Last updated Jan 27, 2016.