Group B, Poster #214, Research Computing (RC)
Quakeworx: A New Science Gateway for Earthquake Simulation and Data Analysis
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Poster Presentation
2024 SCEC Annual Meeting, Poster #214, SCEC Contribution #13904 VIEW PDF
The Quakeworx science gateway provides a cyberinfrastructure platform for the broad community to easily use and reuse computational tools on earthquake simulations and data analysis, significantly reduce barriers to users, and facilitate rapid availability of emerging tools and results. The computation tools in Quakeworx aim to accelerate innovation in earthquake science by generating diverse outputs (seismicity, ground motion, fault network configuration, strain rates, topography) to validate model results, improve earthquake rupture forecasts, and discover new patterns. The Quakeworx science gateway capabilities include:
Curated apps: State-of-the-art-computational earthquake modeling codes including MooseFarm, SeisSol, Tandem, UCERF3-ETAS, pyCSEP, HFQsim, and others can be run using open-science computational and storage resources. Both interactive (such as Jupyter) and command line apps are supported.
Curated data: Input and output data for community-defined reference problems and scenario simulations for use with apps.
Jobs: Provenance and resource usage for each job is tracked by the gateway.
Publishing: Users can publish data, results, reports, and other content in a FAIR manner.
Community contribution: Users can use available apps, data, and publications or contribute new ones via a web browser. For instance, a new app can be contributed via Docker or Singularity containers or executables with necessary configurations and pairing them with the appropriate available computational resources.
Access restrictions: Apps, data and content can be restricted for private use or made available to the entire community.
Site and User Management: Quakeworx website manages access for registered users via single sign-on from research and governmental institutions.
The Quakeworx gateway is under rapid development and in this presentation we will discuss apps, systems, jobs, data, single-sign-on, and some of the user interaction paths. The first workshop will be held in late 2024.
Curated apps: State-of-the-art-computational earthquake modeling codes including MooseFarm, SeisSol, Tandem, UCERF3-ETAS, pyCSEP, HFQsim, and others can be run using open-science computational and storage resources. Both interactive (such as Jupyter) and command line apps are supported.
Curated data: Input and output data for community-defined reference problems and scenario simulations for use with apps.
Jobs: Provenance and resource usage for each job is tracked by the gateway.
Publishing: Users can publish data, results, reports, and other content in a FAIR manner.
Community contribution: Users can use available apps, data, and publications or contribute new ones via a web browser. For instance, a new app can be contributed via Docker or Singularity containers or executables with necessary configurations and pairing them with the appropriate available computational resources.
Access restrictions: Apps, data and content can be restricted for private use or made available to the entire community.
Site and User Management: Quakeworx website manages access for registered users via single sign-on from research and governmental institutions.
The Quakeworx gateway is under rapid development and in this presentation we will discuss apps, systems, jobs, data, single-sign-on, and some of the user interaction paths. The first workshop will be held in late 2024.