Poster #046, Seismology
Crustal Architecture of S. California Imaged by A 2-Layer H-K Stacking Method and Its Implications on Crustal Composition
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Poster Presentation
2020 SCEC Annual Meeting, Poster #046, SCEC Contribution #10671 VIEW PDF
ity model (CVM), showing the reliability of our results. For the crustal Vp/Vs ratio, a more complex pattern across the study region is found, differing from the modest values from the CVM. Particularly, the crust with high Vp/Vs (>1.8) is found beneath the Mojave Desert and the Peninsular Ranges, while a lower than average Vp/Vs (<1.65) is found in the crust of the Santa Maria Basin, Los Angeles Basin, and Salton Trough. In addition to the seismic properties, we further construct a 3-D compositional model for S. California by combining the Vp/Vs with the CVM using empirical relationship revealed by lab-measured seismic properties for crustal lithology. The resulting silica content model provides unique insights into the geological and thermal properties in Southern California, and also helps determine the strength of the crust as it provides an assessment to the existence of quartz, one of the weakest minerals in the crust. Additionally, the new pattern in Vp/Vs should help to calibrate future generations of CVM and to provide valuable constraints in future inversions for the seismic velocity structure of S. California.