Group B, Poster #116, Fault and Rupture Mechanics (FARM)
Simulating earthquake cycles using lab-derived, physics-based friction with multiple deformation and healing mechanisms
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Poster Presentation
2024 SCEC Annual Meeting, Poster #116, SCEC Contribution #13620 VIEW PDF
Earthquake cycles are governed by the dynamic evolution of friction on geological faults. Laboratory experiments have revealed a three-regime frictional behavior across a variety of rock types, including granite, basalt, and natural fault gouges. However, the classic empirical slip rate- and state-dependent friction law, with constant constitutive parameters, fails to fully capture the observed frictional behavior, preventing the extrapolation of laboratory insights to large-scale tectonic faults where dramatic velocity and temperature changes may be involved over earthquake cycles. In this study, we introduce a new simulator based on a physical friction model to investigate the roles of competing deformation and healing mechanisms that are activated under different sliding velocities and temperature conditions during earthquake cycles. Our findings indicate that the activation of a semi-brittle deformation mechanism at low velocities and high temperatures results in earlier postseismic cooling, higher velocities during the locked phase, and shorter recurrence intervals compared to scenarios without competing mechanisms. The activation of a healing mechanism at low temperatures and high velocities, however, induces transient velocity-strengthening behavior during coseismic rupture, resulting in an increased aseismic moment release followed by seismic bursts. Our simulator bridges laboratory-inferred rheology and fault slip behaviors on natural faults, offering valuable insights into the complex dynamics of earthquake processes.