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Bolotskaya, E., & Hager, B. H. (2020, 08). Numerical simulations of dynamic earthquake rupture with different failure laws. Poster Presentation at 2020 SCEC Annual Meeting. SCEC Contribution 10320
Tal, Y., & Hager, B. H. (2018). The Slip Behavior and Source Parameters for Spontaneous Slip Events on Rough Faults Subjected to Slow Tectonic Loading. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 123(2), 1810-1823. doi: 10.1002/2017JB014737. SCEC Contribution 9970
Tal, Y., Hager, B. H., & Ampuero, J. (2018). The Effects of Fault Roughness on the Earthquake Nucleation Process. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 123(1), 437-456. doi: 10.1002/2017JB014746. SCEC Contribution 9969
Tal, Y., & Hager, B. H. (2017). Dynamic mortar finite element method for modeling of shear rupture on frictional rough surfaces. Computational Mechanics, 61(6), 699-716. doi: 10.1007/s00466-017-1475-3. SCEC Contribution 9973
Tal, Y., & Hager, B. H. (2016, 07). Modeling the effect of roughness on the nucleation and propagation of shear rupture. Poster Presentation at 2016 SCEC Annual Meeting. SCEC Contribution 6350
Meade, B. J., & Hager, B. H. (2005). Spatial Localization of Moment Deficits in Southern California. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 110(B04402). doi: 10.1029/2004JB003331. SCEC Contribution 824
Meade, B. J., & Hager, B. H. (2005). Block Models of Crustal Motion in Southern California Constrained by GPS Measurements. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 110(B03403). doi: 10.1029/2004JB003209. SCEC Contribution 816
Meade, B. J., & Hager, B. H. (2004). Viscoelastic Deformation for a Clustered Earthquake Cycle. Geophysical Research Letters, 31, L10610. doi: 10.1029/2004GL019643. SCEC Contribution 769
Hetland, E. A., & Hager, B. H. (2003). Postseismic Relaxation Across the Central Nevada Seismic Belt. Journal of Geophysical Research, 108(B8), 2394. doi: 10.1029/2002JB002257. SCEC Contribution 717
McClusky, S., Bjornstad, S. C., Hager, B. H., King, R. W., Miller, F., Miller, M. M., Monastero, F. C., & Souter, B. (2001). Present Day Kinematics of the Eastern California Shear Zone from a Geodetically Constrained Block Model. Geophysical Research Letters, 28(17), 3369-3372. SCEC Contribution 550
Hager, B. H., Lyzenga, G. A., Donnellan, A., & Dong, D. (1999). Reconciling rapid strain accumulation with deep seismogenic fault planes in the Ventura basin, California. Journal of Geophysical Research, 104(B11), 25207-25219. SCEC Contribution 459
Souter, B., & Hager, B. H. (1997). Faults propagation fold growth during the 1994 Northridge, California, earthquake?. Journal of Geophysical Research, 102(B6), 11931-11942. doi: 10.1029/97JB00209. SCEC Contribution 366
Prescott, W., Bock, Y., Hudnut, K. W., Watkins, M. M., Agnew, D. C., Donnellan, A., Fenske, L., Hager, B. H., Jackson, D. D., Mori, J., D’Onofrio, D., Young, B., Webb, F. H., & Wyatt, F. K. (1996). Operations Plan for the Southern California Integrated GPS Network, Fiscal Year, 1996. , USA: U.S. Geological Survey. SCEC Contribution 362
Hudnut, K. W., Shen, Z., Murray, M., McClusky, S., King, R. W., Herring, T. A., Hager, B. H., Fang, P., Donnellan, A., & Bock, Y. (1996). Co-seismic Displacements of the 1994 Northridge, California, Earthquake. Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, 86(1B, supplement), S19-S36. SCEC Contribution 153
Bock, Y., Agnew, D. C., Fang, P., Genrich, J. F., Hager, B. H., Herring, T. A., Hudnut, K. W., King, R. W., Larsen, S., Minster, J. B., Stark, K. F., & Wyatt, F. K. (1993). Detection of Crustal Deformation from the Landers Earthquake Sequence using Continuous Geodetic Measurements. Nature, 361(6410), 337-340. doi: 10.1038/361337a0. SCEC Contribution 8
Feigl, K. L., Agnew, D. C., Bock, Y., Dong, D., Donnellan, A., Hager, B. H., Herring, T. A., Jackson, D. D., Jordan, T. H., King, R. W., Larsen, S., Larson, K. M., Murray, M., Shen, Z., & Webb, F. H. (1993). Space Geodetic Measurement of Crustal Deformation in Central and Southern California, 1984-1992. Journal of Geophysical Research, 98(B12), 21667-21712. SCEC Contribution 38
Last updated Sep 19, 2024.