Poster #058, Earthquake Geology
Role of Confinement in Coseismic Pulverization of Sediments: Testing the Rock Record of Rupture Directivity on the San Jacinto Fault
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Poster Presentation
2021 SCEC Annual Meeting, Poster #058, SCEC Contribution #11153 VIEW PDF
ining pressure is required to initiate pulverization in poorly consolidated sediments. We test this hypothesis by simulating the pulverization process in Bautista sediments using a modified Split Hopkinson Pressure Bar (SHPB) apparatus, in which sediments are subjected to a dynamic triaxial stress state. We further investigate the role of accumulated damage during multiple earthquake cycles as well as the role of pore fluid. The onset of grain breakage in dry Bautista sediments is marked by a confining pressure of approximately 0.6-1.3 MPa, consistent with lower-level damage found at an exhumation depth of 70m; however, fracture densities produced by a single experimental loading are much lower than that of the natural specimens at greater depth. Successive experimental loading events to simulate multiple seismic cycles are necessary in order to achieve higher fracture densities. We suggest that unconsolidated sediments require a minimum confining pressure under axial compression to initiate incipient pulverization and multiple seismic cycles to reach the observed fracture densities. The compressive origin of sediment pulverization, along with the evidence of tensile fragmentation in cross-fault tonalite, supports a preferred southeastern to northwestern rupture direction along the San Jacinto Fault.