Poster #057, Earthquake Geology
Cosmogenic 3He exposure dating of alluvial surfaces using detrital magnetite enabled by microCT scanning
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Poster Presentation
2021 SCEC Annual Meeting, Poster #057, SCEC Contribution #11151 VIEW PDF
y avoiding mineral inclusions in the target phase. By comparing corrected 3He concentrations of magnetite grains without inclusions to an existing profile of 10Be in quartz, we calibrate a spallogenic 3He production rate in magnetite at sea level and high latitude of 116±13 at/g/a (2σ). We suggest that this microCT pre-screening method can be used to improve the quality of cosmogenic 3He measurements in magnetite and other opaque mineral phases for in-situ and detrital studies. This technique makes magnetite 3He a more robust chronological tool for dating fault offsets, especially in areas in which quartz is sparse.