Poster #020, Computational Science (CS)
Improving web-based access tools for the SCEC Community Models
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Poster Presentation
2021 SCEC Annual Meeting, Poster #020, SCEC Contribution #11654 VIEW PDF
SCEC Community Models (CXM) are a set of community models that describe many features of southern California lithosphere and asthenosphere. Most of the models have domain datasets that are very large with some updated on a regular schedule. The sheer amount of research data and domain complexity poses a challenge to present the models to the curious public and researchers alike.
Since 2018, we have been working on web-based model viewers for CXM models with the goals of providing easy access to the underlying data and data visualization capabilities when appropriate. SCEC currently hosts an official Community Fault Model (CFM) web viewer, and several other provisional web viewers for other CXM and their components including the Community Geodetic Model (CGM), the Geological Framework Model (GFM), and Unified Community Velocity Model (UCVM).
The CFM web viewer serves the official released CFM (latest version 5.3). Recent improvements to the CFM viewer include addition of seismicity to both the map view and the 3D plots, inclusion of cascade filtering during faults search, and two new search criteria, by average strike and average dip. Also, a new 3D plot feature allows user to manipulate both the 3D plot and 2D map view of selected faults at the same time.
The provisional UCVM web viewer now serves the planned UCVM version v21.7 release that includes four additional velocity models: the Southern California Off-shore (Albacore), Wasatch Front North-eastern Utah (Wasatch front Utah), SSIP Imperial Valley, and SSIP Coachella Valley.
The CGM web viewer is under active development to serve the CGM v2. Using the CGM viewer, users can visualize GNSS vector velocity on a 2D map view and plot GNSS time series as an interactive scatter line plot. In addition, users can select GNSS time series to download by searching with station name, a range of lat/lon, or by a velocity vector range.
The new web-based viewers for the CXMs greatly improve accessibility on mobile devices. Users can now view CFM faults, retrieve CGM time series, or plot a CVM depth profile on a tablet or a smart phone.
Since 2018, we have been working on web-based model viewers for CXM models with the goals of providing easy access to the underlying data and data visualization capabilities when appropriate. SCEC currently hosts an official Community Fault Model (CFM) web viewer, and several other provisional web viewers for other CXM and their components including the Community Geodetic Model (CGM), the Geological Framework Model (GFM), and Unified Community Velocity Model (UCVM).
The CFM web viewer serves the official released CFM (latest version 5.3). Recent improvements to the CFM viewer include addition of seismicity to both the map view and the 3D plots, inclusion of cascade filtering during faults search, and two new search criteria, by average strike and average dip. Also, a new 3D plot feature allows user to manipulate both the 3D plot and 2D map view of selected faults at the same time.
The provisional UCVM web viewer now serves the planned UCVM version v21.7 release that includes four additional velocity models: the Southern California Off-shore (Albacore), Wasatch Front North-eastern Utah (Wasatch front Utah), SSIP Imperial Valley, and SSIP Coachella Valley.
The CGM web viewer is under active development to serve the CGM v2. Using the CGM viewer, users can visualize GNSS vector velocity on a 2D map view and plot GNSS time series as an interactive scatter line plot. In addition, users can select GNSS time series to download by searching with station name, a range of lat/lon, or by a velocity vector range.
The new web-based viewers for the CXMs greatly improve accessibility on mobile devices. Users can now view CFM faults, retrieve CGM time series, or plot a CVM depth profile on a tablet or a smart phone.