Poster #016, SCEC Community Models (CXM)
The SCEC Unified Community Velocity Model (UCVM) Software Models and Tools
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Poster Presentation
2021 SCEC Annual Meeting, Poster #016, SCEC Contribution #11579 VIEW PDF
ls, and generating computational models in the form of regular grids or unstructured meshes that can be used as input for ground-motion simulations. In this poster, we describe recent improvements made to UCVM. We have registered additional velocity models into UCVM including the Albacore offshore model, Coachella and Imperial Valley models, and an updated Wasatch Front model. We have developed a UCVM web interface that provides access to the velocity models registered in UCVM and allows users to query the models and create plots without installing UCVM. And, to simplify the installation of UCVM, we have posted UCVM images on Dockerhub which can retrieved, installed, and run on a wider variety of computers including Mac, Windows, and Linux systems.