Poster #171, SCEC Community Models (CXM)
Comparison of ground motions in earthquakes with SCEC CVM predictions
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Poster Presentation
2020 SCEC Annual Meeting, Poster #171, SCEC Contribution #10615 VIEW PDF
ty in physics-based hazard assessment. Using the forward modeling of several moderate magnitude earthquakes that recently occurred in the Los Angeles region, we construct synthetic-data comparisons that characterize the inaccuracies in the CVM-S4.26 predictions up to about 0.5 Hz, focusing on features associated with the boundaries of the deep sedimentary basins. Our next step will be to use the 3D waveform modeling to identify coherent groups of seismic energy that can be accurately measured and have path-localized Fréchet kernels with good sensitivity to basin and near-surface structures. From these waveforms, we plan to extract phase and amplitude data up to 0.5 Hz or higher. Our goal is to invert these data using full-3D tomography and thereby improve the predictive power of SCEC’s CyberShake ground-motion forecasts.