David Bekaert
Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Caltech
Radar Scientist
About Me
Floyd, M., Tymofyeyeva, E., Materna, K., Bekaert, D., Fielding, E. J., Funning, G. J., Gonzalez-Ortega, A., Govorcin, M., Guns, K. A., Herring, T. A., Liu, Z., Sangha, S. S., Shen, Z., Wang, K., Xu, X., Su, M., & Pauk, E. (2024, 09). The Community Geodetic Model, Version 2.0.0: Current Status and Plans for Statewide. Poster Presentation at 2024 SCEC Annual Meeting. SCEC Contribution 13936
Sangha, S. S., Funning, G. J., Govorcin, M., & Bekaert, D. (2024, 09). California InSAR time-series updates derived from sample OPERA DISP-S1 products: developments for ingestion and ongoing analysis from a new archive of open-source interferometric products. Poster Presentation at 2024 SCEC Annual Meeting. SCEC Contribution 13876
Sangha, S. S., Govorcin, M., Funning, G. J., & Bekaert, D. (2023, 09). InSAR-derived Vertical Land Motion over southern California: A Scalable Approach leveraging the growing, open-source ARIA-S1-GUNW archive. Poster Presentation at 2023 SCEC Annual Meeting. SCEC Contribution 13287
Tymofyeyeva, E., Floyd, M., Wang, K., Guns, K. A., Materna, K., Liu, Z., Funning, G. J., Fielding, E. J., Sandwell, D. T., Bekaert, D., Sangha, S. S., Govorcin, M., Gonzalez-Ortega, A., & Xu, X. (2023, 09). InSAR Community Geodetic Model Version 2: Moving beyond Ridgecrest. Poster Presentation at 2023 SCEC Annual Meeting. SCEC Contribution 13253
Funning, G. J., Sangha, S. S., Govorcin, M., & Bekaert, D. (2023, 09). A statewide surface fault creep model for California derived from ARIA Sentinel-1 standard product interferograms. Poster Presentation at 2023 SCEC Annual Meeting. SCEC Contribution 13224
Sangha, S. S., Funning, G. J., & Bekaert, D. (2022, 09). Maintaining and analyzing California-wide InSAR time-series, derived from the growing archive of ARIA standard products. Poster Presentation at 2022 SCEC Annual Meeting. SCEC Contribution 12436
Sangha, S. S., Funning, G. J., & Bekaert, D. (2021, 08). The distribution of shallow creep on active faults in California, from a deformation velocity field derived from Sentinel-1 ARIA standard product interferograms. Poster Presentation at 2021 SCEC Annual Meeting. SCEC Contribution 11649
Tymofyeyeva, E., Floyd, M., Bekaert, D., Funning, G. J., Guns, K. A., Liu, Z., Materna, K., Sandwell, D. T., Wang, K., & Xu, X. (2021, 08). Community Geodetic Model: Current status of the consensus InSAR model for deformation time series and velocities in Southern California. Poster Presentation at 2021 SCEC Annual Meeting. SCEC Contribution 11641
Abolfathian, N., Fielding, E. J., Bekaert, D., Donnellan, A., & Sangha, S. S. (2021, 08). Spatiotemporal variations of stress and strain in the crust near 2019 Ridgecrest Sequence Earthquakes. Poster Presentation at 2021 SCEC Annual Meeting. SCEC Contribution 11528
Tymofyeyeva, E., Sandwell, D. T., Xu, X., Liu, Z., Materna, K., Wang, K., Funning, G. J., Bekaert, D., & Floyd, M. (2020, 08). Current status and future plans for the Community Geodetic Model (InSAR) products. Poster Presentation at 2020 SCEC Annual Meeting. SCEC Contribution 10713
Sangha, S. S., Bekaert, D. P., & Funning, G. J. (2020, 08). Comprehensive InSAR analysis using ARIA standard products captures earthquake cycle processes across California. Poster Presentation at 2020 SCEC Annual Meeting. SCEC Contribution 10381
Milliner, C. W., Materna, K., Bürgmann, R., Fu, Y., Bekaert, D., Moore, A. W., Adhikari, S., & Argus, D. F. (2018). Tracking the weight of Hurricane Harvey’s stormwater using GPS data. Science Advances, 4(9). doi: 10.1126/sciadv.aau2477. SCEC Contribution 8918
Last updated Sep 19, 2024.