Alejandro Gonzalez-Ortega
Centro de Investigacion Cientifica y de Educacion Superior de Ensenada (Mexico)
Expertise: GPS data processing, Space Geodetic Tecniques, InSAR
About Me
Garcia, I., Gonzalez-Ortega, A., Ramon, E., & Rodriguez, E. (2024, 09). REGNOM GNSS SCEC-Community Geodetic Model for Crustal Deformation Studies. Poster Presentation at 2024 SCEC Annual Meeting. SCEC Contribution 13967
Floyd, M., Tymofyeyeva, E., Materna, K., Bekaert, D., Fielding, E. J., Funning, G. J., Gonzalez-Ortega, A., Govorcin, M., Guns, K. A., Herring, T. A., Liu, Z., Sangha, S. S., Shen, Z., Wang, K., Xu, X., Su, M., & Pauk, E. (2024, 09). The Community Geodetic Model, Version 2.0.0: Current Status and Plans for Statewide. Poster Presentation at 2024 SCEC Annual Meeting. SCEC Contribution 13936
Tymofyeyeva, E., Floyd, M., Wang, K., Guns, K. A., Materna, K., Liu, Z., Funning, G. J., Fielding, E. J., Sandwell, D. T., Bekaert, D., Sangha, S. S., Govorcin, M., Gonzalez-Ortega, A., & Xu, X. (2023, 09). InSAR Community Geodetic Model Version 2: Moving beyond Ridgecrest. Poster Presentation at 2023 SCEC Annual Meeting. SCEC Contribution 13253
Garcia-Meza, I. F., Gonzalez-Ortega, A., Ramon Morales, E., & Gonzalez-Garcia, J. (2023, 09). GNSS Crustal Velocity in Northern Baja California, Mexico. Poster Presentation at 2023 SCEC Annual Meeting. SCEC Contribution 13199
Fletcher, J. M., Gonzalez-Ortega, A., Rockwell, T. K., Gold, P. O., & Oskin, M. E. (2019, 08). Active faulting south of the border; the other half of the big bend domain of the Pacific-North American plate margin. Oral Presentation at 2019 SCEC Annual Meeting. SCEC Contribution 9769
Gonzalez-Ortega, A., Velazquez-Zaguilan, A., Gonzàlez-Garcìa, J., & Sandwell, D. T. (2019, 08). Strain accumulation in the Southernmost Section of the San Andres fault system in northern Baja California, Mexico. Poster Presentation at 2019 SCEC Annual Meeting. SCEC Contribution 9743
Gonzàlez-Garcìa, J., Gonzalez-Ortega, A., Robles-Avalos, J., & Martinez-Barcena, H. (2019, 08). GeodVel: it's the better geodetic Plate Tectonic model at the border between NorthAmerica and Pacific?. Poster Presentation at 2019 SCEC Annual Meeting. SCEC Contribution 9729
Gonzàlez-Garcìa, J., Gonzalez-Ortega, A., & Sandwell, D. T. (2018). Interseismic Velocity Field and Seismic Moment Release in Northern Baja California, Mexico. Seismological Research Letters, 89(2A), 526-533. doi: 10.1785/0220170133. SCEC Contribution 8242
Gonzalez-Ortega, A., Vidal-Villegas, A., Ramon Morales, E., Valdez, A., & Arregui Ojeda, S. M. (2017, 08). Red Geodesica del Noroeste de Mexico (REGNOM) in northern Baja California.. Poster Presentation at 2017 SCEC Annual Meeting. SCEC Contribution 7656
Xu, X., Sandwell, D. T., Tymofyeyeva, E., Gonzalez-Ortega, A., & Tong, X. (2017). IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing. Tectonic and Anthropogenic Deformation at the Cerro Prieto Geothermal Step-Over Revealed by Sentinel-1A InSAR, 1-9. doi: 10.1109/TGRS.2017.2704593. SCEC Contribution 7285
Tong, X., Gonzalez-Ortega, A., Smith-Konter, B. R., & Sandwell, D. T. (2016, 08). Postseismic deformation and viscosity of the Mexicali region following the El-Mayor Cucapah earthquake inferred from GPS observations. Poster Presentation at 2016 SCEC Annual Meeting. SCEC Contribution 6925
Gonzàlez-Garcìa, J., Gonzalez-Ortega, A., Galetzka, J. E., Walls, C., Martinez-Barcena, H., & Robles, J. C. (2016, 08). Guadalupe Island as a constrain for earthquake hazard at Californias's shoreline. Poster Presentation at 2016 SCEC Annual Meeting. SCEC Contribution 6778
Gonzalez-Ortega, A., Gonzàlez-Garcìa, J., & Sandwell, D. T. (2016, 08). Geodetic moment accumulation and seismic release in northern Baja California, Mexico. Poster Presentation at 2016 SCEC Annual Meeting. SCEC Contribution 6689
Huang, M., Dickinson, H., Freed, A., Fielding, E. J., Bürgmann, R., & Gonzalez-Ortega, A. A. (2016, 08). Coseismic and postseismic deformation from the 2010 Mw 7.2 El Mayor-Cucapah Earthquake in Baja California: Lithospheric structure and deformation in the Salton Trough. Poster Presentation at 2016 SCEC Annual Meeting. SCEC Contribution 6563
Gonzalez-Ortega, A. A., Fialko, Y., Sandwell, D. T., Gonzàlez-Garcìa, J., Nava-Pichardo, F., Fletcher, J. M., Gonzàlez-Garcìa, J., Lipovsky, B. P., Floyd, M., & Funning, G. J. (2014). El Mayor-Cucapah (Mw 7.2) earthquake: Early near-field postseismic deformation from InSAR and GPS observations. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 119(2), 1482-1497. doi: 10.1002/2013JB010193. SCEC Contribution 6241
Fletcher, J. M., Teran, O. J., Rockwell, T. K., Oskin, M. E., Hudnut, K. W., Mueller, K. J., Spelz, R. M., Akciz, S. O., Masana, E., Faneros, G., Stock, J. M., Elliott, A. J., Gold, P. O., Liu, J., Gonzalez-Ortega, A. A., & Lynch, D. K. (2014). Assembly of a large earthquake from a complex fault system: surface rupture kinematics of the April 4, 2010 El Mayor-Cucapah Mw7.2 earthquake . Geosphere, 10(4), 797-827. doi: 10.1130/GES00933.1 . SCEC Contribution 1697
Last updated Sep 19, 2024.