Group A, Poster #027, Seismology
Material Failure, Ring Faulting, and Caldera Collapse: Insights from the 2018 Kilauea Eruption
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Poster Presentation
2022 SCEC Annual Meeting, Poster #027, SCEC Contribution #12175 VIEW PDF
r change in mid-June. In late May through early June, the progression of the parameters is consistent with strain localization or creep progression related to the development or activation of the ring fault system. From late June until the end of the eruption, parameter progression is roughly steady with initial accelerating increases in cumulative moment and displacement that shift to approximately linear progression. Analysis of repeating earthquake families in the cyclical swarms showed that the behavior of the repeaters was consistent with that of the cyclical swarms as a whole and suggested that each family undergoes its own progression of activation to termination. While the FFM analysis identified the system change in mid-June, it did not demonstrate an ability to forecast collapse events or the end of the eruption.