Group A, Poster #039, Seismology

Update on the California Strong Motion Instrumentation Program’s Progress toward Real Time Data Acquisition

Dave Branum, & Hamid HADDADI
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Poster Presentation

2022 SCEC Annual Meeting, Poster #039, SCEC Contribution #12267 VIEW PDF
The California Strong Motion Instrumentation Program (CSMIP) network of over 1350 seismic stations has been a predominately triggered system where segments of strong motion data are only sent into the CSMIP server after shaking at a station exceeds a set threshold. Once triggered, the recorders connect to the server and send in the data. With the start of CSMIP’s involvement in the California Earthquake Early Warning System (CEEWS), the contributing CSMIP stations send real time streaming data to the ShakeAlert servers. During the last few years, the number of CSMIP stations that would send streaming data to contribute in the CEEWS project has increased. Additionally, the CSMIP is currently ...modernizing the seismic equipment (recorders and communication) at all stations which will allow for real time streaming. The CSMIP with collaboration of the Instrumental Software Technologies, Inc. (ISTI) has established a real time data system in the cloud. This system will collect earthquake data at 100 samples per second in real time for rapid response to earthquake. However, CSMIP will continue recording and disseminating triggered data at 200 samples per second.

This poster will present the status of the CSMIP real time network and the plans for future expansion and real time data flow.