Poster #183, Seismology
Quantifying the Sensitivity of Microearthquake Slip Inversions to Station Distribution Using the LASSO Nodal Array in Oklahoma
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Poster Presentation
2021 SCEC Annual Meeting, Poster #183, SCEC Contribution #11163 VIEW PDF
ned using three well-recorded strike-slip microearthquakes using an Empirical Green’s Function method. From this analysis and the systematic testing of varied subsets of the network, we find that station distributions that have uniform coverage of azimuth and distance can retrieve the overall pattern of slip, but the estimated amplitude of slip can vary by 30% for high slip regions. The distance range most important to resolving the overall pattern of slip is 0.5-2 times the maximum fault dimension. Concerning azimuthal coverage, a network with > 270° coverage performs similar to having complete coverage. The choice of EGF, depending on its similarity to the target earthquake, can shift the location of resolved areas of slip and their amplitude.