Poster #179, Seismology
Effect of Porosity and Permeability Evolution on Injection-Induced Aseismic Slip
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Poster Presentation
2021 SCEC Annual Meeting, Poster #179, SCEC Contribution #11045 VIEW PDF
egligible and pore pressure closely follows the standard linear diffusion model. Pressurization eventually triggers aseismic slip close to the injection site. In the second phase, aseismic slip front expands outward and dilatancy causes pore pressure to depart from the linear diffusion model. We quantify how prestress, injection rate, permeability and other fluid transport properties affect the slip front migration rate, finding rates ranging from 10 to 1,000 m/day for typical parameters. The migration rate is strongly influenced by the fault's closeness to failure and injection rate. The total slip on the fault, on the other hand, is primarily determined by the injected volume, with minimal sensitivity to injection rate. Additionally, we show that when dilatancy is neglected, slip front migration rate and total slip can be several times higher. Our modeling demonstrates that porosity and permeability evolution, especially dilatancy, fundamentally alters how faults respond to fluid injection.