Poster #195, Seismology
Introduction to the SCEC Community Stress Drop Validation Study TAG
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Poster Presentation
2021 SCEC Annual Meeting, Poster #195, SCEC Contribution #11308 VIEW PDF
mmon dataset consists of 2 weeks of earthquakes following the 2019 Ridgecrest M6.4 earthquake, including nearly 13,000 earthquakes of M1 and greater, recorded on stations within 100 km. This dataset and related information are available from the Southern California Earthquake Center (SCEC) Web site: We are soliciting stress drop estimates from community participants on any subset of these events, using a variety of methods. We are correlating and comparing these resulting stress drops as they are made available in a meta-analysis, to understand why similarities or differences arise. We will examine which earthquakes or methods generate grossly similar or different results in the first round of analyses. We will then share the findings and encourage individuals and groups to revisit their analyses and investigate the principal sources of discrepancies and uncertainties. We will present an overview of the study, and preliminary results. As a community study, all are invited to join!