2024 SCEC Annual Meeting


  • Registration Opens:
  • Registration Deadline:
    August 19, 2024
  • Abstract Submission Deadline:
    August 19, 2024
  • Meeting Dates:
    September 8-11, 2024

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

The 2024 SCEC Annual Meeting will be held at the Hilton Palm Springs on September 8-11, 2024. See the meeting program at: https://central.scec.org/meetings/2024/am.
Who attends the SCEC Annual Meeting?
  • SCEC project teams are expected to present results of research funded through the annual SCEC Collaboration Plan and other Center projects. Investigators present results at the annual meeting poster sessions, workshops and/or working group meetings.
  • SCEC leadership, advisory groups, and full-time staff from SCEC headquarters
  • Agency sponsors and partners who provide funding support for Center activities and initiatives
  • Researchers working on topics relevant to SCEC priorities and initiatives that are interested in engaging with the SCEC collaboration
  • Potential academic, government, and industry partners connected with computational science, earthquake engineering research, risk communication and other practical applications of SCEC research
  • Early career scientists, graduate students, and undergraduate interns typically make up more than 40% of participants.
  • Go to the Meeting Participants page to see who else is attending.
How do I participate in the upcoming SCEC annual meeting?
What is the cost of attending the SCEC annual meeting?
What if I have missed the registration deadline?
  • After August 19, the late registration fee is $450. See full details on the registration page.
What if I have missed the abstract deadline?
  • No late abstract submissions will be accepted for SCEC2024.
Is there financial assistance from SCEC to support student participation?
  • SCEC provides funding for students and early career researchers to present their earthquake research at professional conferences. Before applying, please confirm that travel funds are unavailable from your supervisor or institution. To apply for financial assistance, go to https://www.scec.org/research-travel-awards. Assistance is subject to fund availability, with priority given to those with genuine financial need.
What will be available online?
  • SCEC2024 is an in-person collaboration meeting. The online poster gallery will be available to registered participants to view author videos, engage in asynchronous discussion through poster comments, preview posters before live sessions, and contact authors.
  • As with all SCEC events, presenters may choose to post their materials (slides, videos, poster PDFs, etc) on the website after the in-person meeting is over. This requires time for permissions and processing, but many materials will be available publicly by the end of September.
What are the guidelines for physical and online poster presentations?
  • Once your abstract is accepted, work with your co-authors to prepare your poster presentation content, including a poster PDF and optional videos of 1-minute lightning talk and 5-minute walk-through of your poster.
  • Instructions for uploading your poster PDF and videos will be sent to first authors after the August 19 abstract submission deadline. Poster PDF and video(s) will be due by September 8, 2024.
  • Physical posters to display at the meeting should not exceed 45” x 45”.
  • See the SCEC2024 Poster Session Guide for information and links to templates you may use.
What does it mean to be assigned to Poster Group A or Poster Group B?
  • Poster presentations will be divided into two groups displayed on Sunday/Monday (Group A) or Monday/Tuesday (Group B). Online poster gallery pages will be available at any time during the meeting, and authors may choose to make them publicly available on the website after the meeting concludes. First Authors will receive additional instructions about when and where to put up and take down their posters for each session.
What accessibility accommodations are available?
  • Captions will be available during live meeting sessions.
  • Presentation slides will be available for download (with speaker’s permission) as soon as possible after each presentation.
  • Participants with additional accessibility needs are encouraged to contact scecmeet@usc.edu as early as possible to determine if we are able to help.
How do I find my registration payment receipt?
  • Your payment email confirmation from dtsweb@dornsife.usc.edu will serve as your payment receipt. Your meeting registration details can be found by navigating to your central.SCEC.org dashboard, selecting the "Meetings" icon, and clicking on "VIEW REGISTRATION". Your home institution may require a screenshot of the registration page for reimbursement purposes.

The Statewide California Earthquake Center is committed to providing a safe, productive, and welcoming environment for all participants. We take pride in fostering a diverse and inclusive SCEC community, and therefore expect all participants to abide by the SCEC Activities Code of Conduct.