Yongxian Zhang

Institute of Earthquake Forecasting, China Earthquake Administration
Director of Short-term Earthquake Forecsation Division

Expertise: Seismology, Seismic Hazard Assessment, Earthquake Forecasting Methods
Work: 86-10-88015349
Fax: 86-10-88015349
About Me Publications
Prof. Yongxian Zhang, head of the Division of Short-term Earthquake Forecasting, Institute of Earthquake Forecasting, China Earthquake Administration; Deputy chair of the APEC Cooperation for Earthquake Science; Committee member of China Seismological Society.
She studied Geophysics in Peking University during 1984-1988. She got her master’s degree from the Center for Analysis of Prediction, China Earthquake Administration in 1991, and received her doctorate from the Institute of Geophysics, China Earthquake Administration in 1999. She visited UC Davis of USA as a senior visiting scholar in 2012.
Her study interests are model of seismogenic process, seismicity pattern, mechanics of earthquake anomaly, synthetic method of earthquake prediction, etc. She has published about 100 papers (more than 20 of them are in English).
She has been a practitioner of earthquake forecasting in China for about 27 years since 1991. She won several national awards in China such as National Excellent Scientist from China Association for Science and Technology, Special allowance of the State Council of China, etc.

Recent publications:
Zhongliang Wu, Yongxian Zhang, Thomas. W. Gobel, Qinghua, Huang, Charles, A. Williams, Huilin Xing, and John B. Rundle. Continental Earthquakes: Physics, Simulation, and Data Science—Introduction, Pure Appl. Geophys. (2019). 177(1), 1-8, https://doi.org/10.1007/s00024-019-02382-2.
Charles A. Williams,Zhigang Peng,Yongxian Zhang,Eiichi Fukuyama,Thomas Goebel,Mark R. Yoder. (Eds.) Earthquakes and Multi-hazards around the Pacific Rim, Vol. II, ISBN 978-3-319-92297-3, Springer.
Yong-Xian Zhang, Thomas Goebel, Zhigang Peng, Charles Williams, Mark Yoder, John Rundle, Earthquakes and Multi-hazards around the Pacific Rim, Vol. 1: Introduction, (2017) 174: 2195-2198. doi:10.1007/s00024-017-1580-4
Yongxian Zhang, Caiyun Xia, Cheng Song, Xiaotao Zhang, Yongjia Wu, Yan Xue, 2017. Test of the Predictability of the PI Method for Recent Large Earthquakes in and near the Tibetan Plateau,Pure and Applied Geophysics: 2017. (2017) 174: 2411-2426. doi:10.1007/s00024-017-1551-9
Yongxian Zhang, M. Burak Yikilmaz, John B. Rundle, Xiangchu Yin, Yue Liu, Langping Zhang, Zijin Wang, 2015, Study of the Potential Earthquake Risk in the Western United States by the LURR Method Based on the Seismic Catalogue, Fault Geometry and Focal Mechanisms, PAGEOPH, 172(8): 2265-2276.