CSEP2 from China Perspective

Yongxian Zhang, Zhongliang Wu, Xiaodong Zhang, Huaizhong Yu, Shengfeng Zhang, Xiaotao Zhang, Chen Yu, & Chaozhong Hu

Published August 15, 2019, SCEC Contribution #9711, 2019 SCEC Annual Meeting Poster #031

Recently, a China-US cooperation project named “CSEP China in the Context of China Seismic Experimental Site (CSES)” was approved by the Ministry of Science and Technology, China which is led by Yongxian Zhang at CENC and Emily Brodsky at UCSC and SCEC. The expected results of the project are the completion of the CSEP China Testing Center and interfacing with the project's global network infrastructure. Other expected results include promoting innovation and standardization in earthquake prediction methods and raising the level of science and technology in earthquake prediction.

The China Seismic Experimental Site (CSES) is established in the Sichuan-Yunnan region (21.0°-32.0°N, 97.5°-105.5°E), which was officially announced on May 12, 2018, at the International Conference for the Decade Memory of the Wenchuan Earthquake with the 4th International Conference on Continental Earthquakes (4th ICCE). This natural laboratory located in the eastern margin of the Tibetan Plateau, with total area 780,000km2, has been suffered from seismic disasters in history. Since 1965, for every decade, there had been on average 14 earthquakes above MS6.0, among which 3 above MS7.0. The earthquakes are mainly continental earthquakes, among which there were the May 12, 2008, Wenchuan MS8.0, the April 20, 2013, Lushan MS7.0, and the August 3, 2014, Ludian MS6.5 earthquake, all causing tremendous losses of both human lives and social property, highlighting the importance of earthquake science and technology for improving the preparedness, mitigation, and management of earthquake disasters.

As a continuation and expansion of the West-Yunnan Earthquake Prediction Experimental Site since 1980 and the National Experimental Site for Earthquake Monitoring and Forecast since 2014, CSES aims at making use of the cutting edge science and technology to deepen the understandings of the preparation and occurrence of continental earthquakes and the cause of seismic disasters. International collaborations are called for by CSES, in which CSEP-China, focusing on statistical seismology, is one of the important components. Details of CSES can be seen in: http://www.cses.ac.cn/(in Chinese) and http://www.cses.ac.cn/en/(in English).

Key Words
CSEP, China Seismic Experimental Site, China-US cooperation project, CSEP China Testing Center

Zhang, Y., Wu, Z., Zhang, X., Yu, H., Zhang, S., Zhang, X., Yu, C., & Hu, C. (2019, 08). CSEP2 from China Perspective. Poster Presentation at 2019 SCEC Annual Meeting.

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