gdepascale's picture

Gregory P. De Pascale

University of Iceland
Associate Professor

Expertise: Seismotectonics, neotectonics, seismic hazard, earthquake geology, structural geology
About Me Publications
I am based at the University of Iceland's School of Engineering and Natural Sciences, and work on neotectonics, active faults, earthquake geology, and seismic hazard. My students, colleagues, and I work in the natural laboratory, in the field, with main focus areas in the Andes of Chile, Peru, and Argentina, Iceland, the Southern Alps of New Zealand, the East African Rift, and in Central Asia. We also keep a keen eye on happenings in North America (formerly working for Fugro and William Lettis and Associates, WLA).

We use classic field techniques mixed with modern and ever-improving tech including lidar and structure from motion (SfM) drone photography in addition to subsurface and submarine geophysics (e.g. multi beam sonar and sub-bottom profiling), and Quaternary dating to explore, characterise and model active faults and neotectonics, with an affinity (when onshore) for humid climates (think rainforest).

At the University of Iceland and previously at the University of Chile I teach/taught undergraduate courses on Geomorphology, Structural Geology, and Field Geology and a postgrad courses on modern remote sensing for field geology (e.g. drones and lidar).