James N. Brune
Nevada Seismological Laboratory
University of Nevada, Reno
University of Nevada, Reno
Expertise: Seismology
About Me
No bio available.
SCEC Mentor (2008)
SCEC Participation
SCEC Board of Directors, Member (2002 - 2010)SCEC Mentor (2008)
Anderson, J. G., Brune, R. J., Brune, J. N., & Biasi, G. P. (2017, 01). Wave Propagation and Source Models Compatible with Strong Motion Applications. Oral Presentation at 16 World Conference on Earthquake Engineering. SCEC Contribution 6266
Abbott, R., Louie, J. N., Brune, J. N., & Anooshehpoor, A. (2001). Weak Ground Motion and Amplifications Predicted From Shear-Wave Velocities at Precarious Rocks, near the 1857 Rupture of the San Andreas Fault. Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, (in preparation). SCEC Contribution 601
Biasi, G. P., Anderson, J. G., Brune, J. N., & Brune, R. J. (2019, 08). Ground Motion Prediction Constraints and Hazard Curve Evaluation in Southern California Using Precariously Balanced Rocks. Poster Presentation at 2019 SCEC Annual Meeting. SCEC Contribution 9853
Brune, J. N., Anderson, J. G., & Brune, R. J. (2017, 08). Additional Interpretation of the Orientations of Precariously Balanced Rocks in the Band Between the San Jacinto and Elsinore Faults. Poster Presentation at 2017 SCEC Annual Meeting. SCEC Contribution 7455
Brune, R. J., Anderson, J. G., Biasi, G. P., & Brune, J. N. (2016, 08). Toppling of PBRs Exposed to Ground Motions Estimated from the Composite Source Model of Earthquakes. Poster Presentation at 2016 SCEC Annual Meeting. SCEC Contribution 6745
Lozos, J. C., Olsen, K. B., Brune, J. N., Takedatsu, R., Brune, R. J., & Oglesby, D. D. (2015). Broadband Ground Motions from Dynamic Models of Rupture on the Northern San Jacinto Fault, and Comparison with Precariously Balanced Rocks. Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, 105(4), 1947-1960. doi: 10.1785/0120140328. SCEC Contribution 6072
Lozos, J. C., Oglesby, D. D., Brune, J. N., & Olsen, K. B. (2015). Rupture and Ground‐Motion Models on the Northern San Jacinto Fault, Incorporating Realistic Complexity. Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, 105(4), 1931-1946. doi: 10.1785/0120140327. SCEC Contribution 6071
McBean, K. M., Anderson, J. G., Brune, J. N., & Anooshehpoor, A. (2015). Statistics of Ground Motions in a Foam Rubber Model of a Strike-Slip Fault. Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, 105, 1456-1467. SCEC Contribution 2073
Grant Ludwig, L. B., Brune, J. N., Anooshehpoor, R., Purvance, M. D., Brune, R. J., & Lozos, J. C. (2015). Reconciling Precariously Balanced Rocks (PBRs) with Large Earthquakes on the San Andreas Fault System. Seismological Research Letters, 86(5), 1345-1353. doi: 10.1785/0220140239. SCEC Contribution 1545
Anderson, J. G., Biasi, G. P., & Brune, J. N. (2014). Precarious rocks: providing upper limits on past ground shaking from earthquakes. In M. Wyss (Eds.), Earthquake Hazard, Risk and Disasters, (, pp. 377-403) , : Elsevier doi: 10.1016/B978-0-12-394848-9.00014-6. SCEC Contribution 1910
Anooshehpoor, R., Brune, J. N., Daemen, J., & Purvance, M. D. (2013). Constraints on Ground Accelerations Inferred from Unfractured Hoodoos near the Garlock Fault, California. Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, 103(1), 99-106. doi: 10.1785/0120110246 . SCEC Contribution 1533
Hanks, T. C., Abrahamson, N. A., Baker, J. W., Boore, D. M., Board, M., Brune, J. N., Cornell, C., & Whitney, J. W. (2013). Extreme ground motions and Yucca Mountain. , : U.S. Geological Survey. doi: 10.3133/ofr20131245. SCEC Contribution 10143
Lozos, J. C., Oglesby, D. D., Brune, J. N., & Olsen, K. B. (2012). Small intermediate fault segments can either aid or hinder rupture propagation at stepovers. Geophysical Research Letters, 39(8). doi: 10.1029/2012GL053005. SCEC Contribution 1662
Anderson, J. G., Brune, J. N., Biasi, G. P., Anooshehpoor, R., & Purvance, M. D. (2011). Workshop Report: Applications of Precarious Rocks and Related Fragile Geological Features to U.S. National Hazard Maps. Seismological Research Letters, 82(3), 431-441. doi: 10.1785/gssrl.82.3.431. SCEC Contribution 10138
Mena Cabrera, B., Mai, P. M., Olsen, K. B., Purvance, M. D., & Brune, J. N. (2010). Broadband ground motion simulations for 7 TeraShake scenarios: constraints from precarious rocks. Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, 100, 2143-2162. SCEC Contribution 1200
Dor, O., Chester, J. S., Ben-Zion, Y., Brune, J. N., & Rockwell, T. K. (2009). Characterization of damage in sandstones along the Mojave section of the San Andreas Fault: implications for the shallow extent of damage generation. Pure and Applied Geophysics, 166(10-11), 1747-1773. doi: 10.1007/s00024-009-0516-z. SCEC Contribution 1404
Purvance, M. D., Anooshehpoor, A., & Brune, J. N. (2008). Freestanding Block Overturning Fragilities: Numerical Simulations. Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics,. SCEC Contribution 1403
Purvance, M. D., Brune, J. N., Abrahamson, N. A., & Anderson, J. G. (2008). Consistency of Precariously Balanced Rocks with Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Estimates in Southern California. Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, 98, 2629-2640. SCEC Contribution 1402
Olsen, K. B., & Brune, J. N. (2008). Constraints from Precariously Balanced Rocks on Preferred Rupture Directions for Large Earthquakes on the Southern San Andreas Fault. Journal of Seismology, 12(2), 235-241. doi: 10.1007/s10950-007-9078-7. SCEC Contribution 1143
Day, S. M., Gonzalez, S. H., Anooshehpoor, A., & Brune, J. N. (2008). Scale-model and numerical simulations of near-fault seismic directivity. Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, 98, 1186-1206. doi: 10.1785/0120070190. SCEC Contribution 1111
Dor, O., Ben-Zion, Y., Rockwell, T. K., & Brune, J. N. (2006). Pulverized Rocks in the Mojave section of the San Andreas Fault Zone. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 245(3-4), 642-654. doi: 10.1016/j.epsl.2006.03.034. SCEC Contribution 910
Brune, J. N., Anooshehpoor, A., & Purvance, M. D. (2006). Band of Precariously Balanced Rocks Between the Elsinore and San Jacinto, California, Fault Zones: Constraints on Ground Motion for Large Earthquakes. Geology, 34(3), 137-140. doi: 10.1130/G22127.1. SCEC Contribution 818
Purvance, M. D., Anooshehpoor, A., & Brune, J. N. (2006). Overturning of Freestanding Blocks Exposed to Earthquake Excitations 2: Shake Table Validation. Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics,. SCEC Contribution 1039
Brune, J. N., Anooshehpoor, A., Shi, B., & Zeng, Y. (2004). Precarious Rock and Overturned Transformer Evidence for Ground Shaking in the Ms 7.7 Kern County Earthquake: An Analog for Disastrous Shaking from a Major Thrust Fault in the Los Angeles Basin. Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, 94(6), 1993-2003. doi: 10.1785/0120030252. SCEC Contribution 779
Anooshehpoor, R., Brune, J. N., & Zeng, Y. (2004). Methodology for Obtaining Constraints on Ground Motion from Precariously Balanced Rocks. Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, 94(1), 285-303. doi: 10.1785/0120020242. SCEC Contribution 724
Stirling, M. W., Anooshehpoor, A., Brune, J. N., Biasi, G. P., & Wesnousky, S. G. (2002). Assessment of the Site Conditions of Precariously Balanced Rocks in the Mojave Desert, Southern California. Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, 92(6), 2139-2144. doi: 10.1785/0120010221. SCEC Contribution 694
Brune, J. N. (2002). Precarious-Rock Constraints on Ground Motion from Historic and Recent Earthquakes in Southern California. Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, 92(7), 2602-2611. doi: 10.1785/0120000606. SCEC Contribution 621
Anderson, J. G., Brune, J. N., & Wesnousky, S. G. (2002). Physical Phenomena Controlling High-Frequency Seismic Wave Generation in Earthquakes. Presentation at 7th U. S. National Conference on Earthquake Engineering. SCEC Contribution 616
Brune, J. N. (2001). Shattered Rock and Precarious Rock Evidence for Strong Asymmetry in Ground Motions during Thrust Faulting. Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, 91(3), 441-447. SCEC Contribution 526
Lewis, J., Day, S. M., Magistrale, H., Castro, R. R., Astiz, L., Rebollar Bustamante, C., Eakins, J., Vernon, F. L., & Brune, J. N. (2001). Crustal thickness of the Peninsular Ranges and Gulf Extensional Province in the Californias. Journal of Geophysical Research, 106(B7), 13599-13611. SCEC Contribution 521
Anderson, J. G., Sucuoglu, H., Erberik, M. A., Yilmaz, T., Inan, E., Durukal, E., Erdik, M., Anooshehpoor, A., Brune, J. N., & Ni, S. (2000). Implications for Seismic Hazard Analysis. Earthquake Spectra, 16(S1), 113-137. doi: 10.1193/1.1586150. SCEC Contribution 537
Anderson, J. G., Brune, J. N., Anooshehpoor, A., & Ni, S. (2000). New Ground Motion Data and Concepts in Seismic Hazard Analysis. Current Science, 79(9), 1278-1290. SCEC Contribution 532
Anderson, J. G., & Brune, J. N. (1999). Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Analysis without the Ergodic Assumption. Seismological Research Letters, 70(1), 19-28. SCEC Contribution 451
Brune, J. N. (1996). Precariously balanced rocks and ground-motion maps for Southern California. Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, 86(1A), 43-54. SCEC Contribution 10139
Yu, G., Khattri, K. N., Anderson, J. G., Brune, J. N., & Zeng, Y. (1995). Strong Ground Motion from the Uttarkashi, Himalaya, India Earthquake: Comparison of Observations with Synthetics Using the Composite Source Model. Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, 85(1), 31-50. SCEC Contribution 240
Khattri, K., Zeng, Y., Anderson, J. G., & Brune, J. N. (1994). Inversion of Strong Motion Waveforms for Source Slip Function of 1991 Uttarkashi Earthquake, Himalaya. Journal of Himalayan Geology, 5(2), 163-191. SCEC Contribution 115
Last updated Feb 14, 2025.