Group B, Poster #176, Fault and Rupture Mechanics (FARM)
The Effect of flash heating on earthquake sequences and ductile shear zone structure
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Poster Presentation
2022 SCEC Annual Meeting, Poster #176, SCEC Contribution #12554 VIEW PDF
sms, including thermal pressurization and flash heating. I focus on flash heating, in which high slip velocities during an earthquake cause local temperature increases at asperity contacts, weakening the asperities and leading to a macroscopic drop in frictional strength. Using the code, SCycle, I explore the effect of flash heating on earthquake cycles on a vertical strike-slip fault in 2D. When simulations are performed with elastic bulk material, flash heating produces earthquakes that rupture a larger portion of the fault and that occur more infrequently. Each of these effects makes the earthquakes larger. I am currently performing simulations with power-law viscoelastic bulk material, and will compare the resulting earthquakes and shear zone structure.