Group A, Poster #125, Fault and Rupture Mechanics (FARM)
Dynamic off-fault failure and tsunamigenesis at strike-slip restraining bends: Fully-coupled models of dynamic rupture, ocean acoustic waves, and tsunami in a shallow bay
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Poster Presentation
2022 SCEC Annual Meeting, Poster #125, SCEC Contribution #11899 VIEW PDF
to frictional sliding with a thrust component on conjugate microfractures, modeled by inelastic deformation. The short-wavelength inelastic uplift, largely controlled by bend size, is shown to generate localized tsunami efficiently in a shallow bay by fully coupling dynamic rupture, ocean acoustic waves, and tsunami. Fully-coupled models also indicate that supershear rupture on a vertical planar strike-slip fault does not generate large tsunami as the large kinetic energy of supershear rupture is carried away by ocean acoustic waves. Dynamic off-fault failure at fault complexities, such as restraining bends and compressional stepovers, may need be urgently incorporated in the current tsunami hazard assessments in strike-slip environments.
This work is published in the following paper:
S. Ma, Dynamic off-fault failure and tsunamigenesis at strike-slip restraining bends: Fully-coupled models of dynamic rupture, ocean acoustic waves,and tsunami in a shallow bay, Tectonophysics (2022),
This work is published in the following paper:
S. Ma, Dynamic off-fault failure and tsunamigenesis at strike-slip restraining bends: Fully-coupled models of dynamic rupture, ocean acoustic waves,and tsunami in a shallow bay, Tectonophysics (2022),