Poster #051, Ground Motions
Laboratory Component of Next Generation Liquefaction Database and System Analysis of Important Case Histories
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Poster Presentation
2021 SCEC Annual Meeting, Poster #051, SCEC Contribution #11656 VIEW PDF
les. Metadata describing attributes of the test specimens are related to the test data using keys that relate tables. The types of information available in the database are test-specific and include processed-data quantities such as stress and strain rather than raw data such as load and displacement. Information uploaded to the database is reviewed by a database working group to verify consistency between uploaded data and source documents. The database is replicated in DesignSafe-CI where users can write queries in Python scripts within Jupyter notebooks to interact with the data. Additionally, analysis on important case histories is presented as examples of what can be done using the database and the cloud computing capabilities within DesignSafe-CI. These involve determining system effects within a soil profile that determine whether liquefaction will manifest at the surface given the earthquake shaking demand.